Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

That crossed my mind as an option, I joking to my DH that maybe I should -- I'm going to move it to its side now THANKS!
1 of mine has the air cell perfectly centered on the side. The egg is rather odd shaped & matches on both ends so it's impossible to tell which end is supposed to be up. I set the end I thought should be up but when I candled I found the air cell on the side. So now the other end is up to see if the air cell will migrate to the other end. We shall see what happens when I candle it again Monday. I marked where the air cell is so I will be able to tell if there is a change.

I set more eggs today. I set 5 cortunix normal eggs and 1 itsy bitsy cortunix quail egg in the chic bator I bought recently. I ended the first attempt in the box and light experment after loseing two eggs in two days and two others looking bad the third.I put the six that ere left even the wierd looking ones that probly wont make it in the LG with the other eggs I will try it again when I have more thermometers and humidity guages . I coudnt bring my self to lose more chicks to the experment I guess I would make a bad scintest . I will experment but not at the expense of anything liveing.
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It isn't the fanciest of home made incubators but it's holding the temperature steady and the whole family will get a nice view of all the goings on. I candled last night and saw veining and a dark speck on the dark brown one in the front. The others were hard to tell but I'm holding out hope that I won't have a lone chick. This is my first time hatching eggs and these will be my first chickens too!

Ok so the room wasn't completely dark so i am not gonna trust these readings completely because i could've swore i saw more veining than this.

Out of 18

Egg 5 was dark up top but couldn't see the veins.
Egg 10 ---^
Egg 12 ---^
Egg 14 Hard to see through but has veins, Couldn't tell but maybe a blood ring?

The rest of the eggs looked fine though
Also it's been recommended to drop my humidity level but I can't seem to get it below 50% Think it'll be ok?

This is the end of day 5
Ok so the room wasn't completely dark so i am not gonna trust these readings completely because i could've swore i saw more veining than this.

Out of 18

Egg 5 was dark up top but couldn't see the veins.
Egg 10 ---^
Egg 12 ---^
Egg 14 Hard to see through but has veins, Couldn't tell but maybe a blood ring?

The rest of the eggs looked fine though
Also it's been recommended to drop my humidity level but I can't seem to get it below 50% Think it'll be ok?

This is the end of day 5
If you are running a completely dry hatch then there isn't much more you can do.
Click on the picture for a bigger view. It's a Sterilite box that I punched some vent holes in both larger sides. I need to ad some more holes to the short side. It gets too hot in there with the lid latched.
Not running a dry hatch but wanted to control the humidity within recommended levels that ya'll have told me.
If you have a bator with a fan then 40-50% is fine. For still air 30-40% works better. If you remove all water, and it's still a bit high then all you can do is go with it. Broodies do it all the time.

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