Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Well........ out of 33 eggs set 7 were either infertile or had blood rings, and 26 were fertilized and doing well!!!
And today 3 hatched!!!
I'll officially be at day 21 in 26mins from now.
Nothing is going on, zero , nada, complete stillness w/ silence (even have turned off the fan & put ear to bator 3x today to listen)

This is the part where I remind myself they are not even "due" until _after_ 8pm E tonight,
and then I remind myself that they are maran & maran x eggs so I *must not worry for 2 more days*
yah, right...

Oh, and last night my self distraction plan -- I found we were out of popcorn, so I used some home-canned peach preserves and made fired turnover things.Tonight I might end up baking oatmeal cookies -- eating for the chicks isn't the best thing, but I figure it isn't the worst either!

Not necessarily. I've had hatches that were totally silent well into day 21. I know it's worrisome though.

I'm freaking out over this one egg nearly threw away this morning. It's been chirping and rocking like crazy for HOURS. I want the little guy to pip so badly.
That is some situation! Do you have the humidity very high? I wonder how the time in the compost bin effected the egg in terms of humidity? You might want to set a time limit at which point you would do an external pip into the air cell and see if you can tell how far along the vein absorption is & also if the membrane is moist or if it got too dry when the egg was out. Sally Sunshine posted a TON of info. she had collected, including videos on assisting. The links are in her sig. and she posted 100x/day on the NYDH thread so you could find the info there really fast. I know they have approx. 24 hrs of air in the air cell, so from peep/internal pip, they have that amt of air-time to make the external pip. On the other hand, if it uses all its energy struggling and is shrink wrapped that isn't good. On the third hand ;O it does have to absorb all the yolk and veins between the internal pip and zipping. You have a tough call situation. I'd say review the hatching info. w/ videos before you decide to take action (or not). Best of luck and good wishes for the chick!
Is that what happens to them??? I didn't know! This is my first time hatching and am still learning TONS! Should I be concerned about the first one to break through but still hasn't made anymore progress almost 12 hours later? The chick is still poking its beak out and moving it from time to time, but not as much as earlier in the day. Thanks for the info & guidance!

tammir -- once they pip they can breath outside air so there is no real hurry and they have to absorb the yolk & veins b/f they can come out so it can take a long long time, like even a whole day 12 hrs from what I understand is totally in the normal range. We are all operating on "egg hatching time" now, which is _completely_ different than ordinary human time...and certainly not like double espresso time ; > (I've had only 1/2 my normal coffee today trying to not worry about my silent eggs)

Fisherlady -- Thanks for the video. Did you notice how Gracie was pecking the food to get some on her beak then touching it to her chick's beak, teaching the chick to eat? , all the while staying on the other chicks and eggs! Gracie gets the gold star for best Broody hen of 2013 : )
That is some situation! Do you have the humidity very high? I wonder how the time in the compost bin effected the egg in terms of humidity? You might want to set a time limit at which point you would do an external pip into the air cell and see if you can tell how far along the vein absorption is & also if the membrane is moist or if it got too dry when the egg was out. Sally Sunshine posted a TON of info. she had collected, including videos on assisting. The links are in her sig. and she posted 100x/day on the NYDH thread so you could find the info there really fast. I know they have approx. 24 hrs of air in the air cell, so from peep/internal pip, they have that amt of air-time to make the external pip. On the other hand, if it uses all its energy struggling and is shrink wrapped that isn't good. On the third hand ;O it does have to absorb all the yolk and veins between the internal pip and zipping. You have a tough call situation. I'd say review the hatching info. w/ videos before you decide to take action (or not). Best of luck and good wishes for the chick!

I was just reading your post, and trying to count the potential hours since the chick started chirping when I heard a noise in the bator and...

Sorry, that was funny. I hope all is ok. Sounds like something I would do. I'll keep reading to see. It's been a bad day, I really needed the laugh. tomorrow is day 21 for me. My 5 yr old grandson spent the night with me last night and at some point he adjusted the temp. It was at 90 F this morning. It could have been 105 so my fingers are crossed. Sue
I know right? Here I am spouting advice left and right and I threw a perfectly good egg in the trash! Like I said...I'm an idiot.

Man, sorry about the temp adjustment! It's probably fine, and your're right, at least it was down and not up. My cat adjusted my temp once. Hope they turn out ok!
I'll officially be at day 21 in 26mins from now.
Nothing is going on, zero , nada, complete stillness w/ silence (even have turned off the fan & put ear to bator 3x today to listen)

This is the part where I remind myself they are not even "due" until _after_ 8pm E tonight,
and then I remind myself that they are maran & maran x eggs so I *must not worry for 2 more days*
yah, right...

Oh, and last night my self distraction plan -- I found we were out of popcorn, so I used some home-canned peach preserves and made fired turnover things.Tonight I might end up baking oatmeal cookies -- eating for the chicks isn't the best thing, but I figure it isn't the worst either!

Fisherlady -- Thanks for the video. Did you notice how Gracie was pecking the food to get some on her beak then touching it to her chick's beak, teaching the chick to eat? , all the while staying on the other chicks and eggs! Gracie gets the gold star for best Broody hen of 2013 : )
I'm sure all is well and your eggs are just doing things on their own time!
Baking may not make them hatch quicker... .but it sure don't hurt to have bribes available if others in the house get upset that you are spending your weekend watching an incubator!!
Glad I was able to share the videos... Gracie has been showing all of the little ones her food dish when they come out. We switched it out to chick starter and some scrambled eggs for Gracie. One of the ones with a white patch on it's head is already running over on it's own and playing in/pecking at the food. We gave Gracie a drink on the nest tonight so she will be fine till morning.

She is trying to get them to stay under her but they are already trying to get out to run around a bit... I'm pretty sure Gracie is thinking there are still more to hatch, since it's only been 16 hrs or so, but they were all done hatching by about 2 oclock or so and are getting rambunctious already! She's gonna be a busy girl tomorrow!!
I was just reading your post, and trying to count the potential hours since the chick started chirping when I heard a noise in the bator and...

3 cheers for the little garbage egg who could...

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