Hatch-Along - setting eggs tonight or tom who's with me on this

That is so cool. It's about what I'm seeing in my eggs. Looks like the little guy is swimming around. Love it! Will have to post some pics/video soon.
Hope everyone is staying warm and safe through this storm..... I probably have around 18-24 inches of snow already. Hard to tell exactly but the drifts have completely covered my cars and filled in the gaps between them. Almost hard to recognize that there are cars out there.

Day 8 going into Day 9 for me, candled all 34 eggs tonight.

I have questions regarding lack of growth/development in 12 of them but overall not bad for shipped eggs. I'll probably keep them all in the incubator until day 14 to make sure there are no stragglers unless I start noticing something "unpleasant". I noticed a line in one egg that was likely either was a piece of a ring (deceased egg) or a dense vessel??? I'll keep an eye on that one as well. Although my thermometer says the appropriate temp, usually solid between 99.8-100.4, my eggs seem to be a little behind in their development. I think this is either due to prolonged time between when the eggs where laid and trip through the mail or possibly due to lower than stated temps on my thermometer. It is amazing how far off the thermometers can be from each other. Does anyone have a good trick to tell which one would be the best to trust? I've pretty much have been averaging two of them.

Noobie question,
8 of 11 eggs I purchased from one seller were lightly soiled. When I received them I tried to brush off the poop but it was really dried on. I thought that the bloom would likely protect the eggs so I set them with my other eggs. Turns out that all of the soiled eggs are developing. Anyone have any recommendations regarding what I should do? Should I leave them alone or should I take them out and use sand paper to remove the dried feces?

Again, stay safe and warm.
I had a couple that had brown on them and some down stuck too them too...I just left it?! I'm using a brinsea incubator and it has me put a incubator disinfectant in the water wells for humidity. I'm hoping this will help with any extra bacteria?
I have a question for everyone since this is my first time incubating. When does everyone pitch The clear eggs or ones they think are not developing? (bloodring?!) It's day 10 for me and I would hate to wait till they start smelling. Any advice?
I have a question for everyone since this is my first time incubating. When does everyone pitch The clear eggs or ones they think are not developing? (bloodring?!) It's day 10 for me and I would hate to wait till they start smelling. Any advice?

If you don't see anything in the egg by now, I'd just pitch it. You should be seeing movement at this point. I tossed two eggs by day 10 - one was still clear and the other had a very thick vein - but no movement. That one had stopped developing around day 3 or 4....... I always crack the eggs open though, just to check and see so I'm not left second guessing myself. Maybe grab one and crack it open and make a decision on the rest after you see what is inside the first one........
I had a couple that had brown on them and some down stuck too them too...I just left it?! I'm using a brinsea incubator and it has me put a incubator disinfectant in the water wells for humidity. I'm hoping this will help with any extra bacteria?
I have hatched many a soiled egg...saw a study done from a southern university showing that removing debris from egg from sandpaper did NOT improve hatch...it actually slightly decreased hatch...I would leave those soiled ones in as long as they are developing.
Hi, I have 42 eggs in the incubator, Cream Legbars, Isbars, Lemon Orpingtons and Welsummers. The Welsummers are due on the 222nd and the rest on Feb. 27th. I am having a great deal of trouble seeing through the terra cotta speckled eggs of the Welsummer but so far all look like there might be something going on inside. I did pull one very clear one early on. The others have only been in 5 days and are also colored or tinted so it is also tough to see and veining. Ugh....it's going to be a long wait! I read to leave soil on the egg.
I did exactly the same thing but was told that the lockdown eggs needed to come of the first bator and go into another. So I bought a second Little Giant without the egg turner for the higher humidity needed the last 3 days. That high humidity. from what I have read could be bad for the remaining chicks!
Wishing you both the best success with your hatches!!!

Have to upload some picks....I have my eggs in side by side egg cartons with holes in the the bottom to increase air flow. The cartons are fixed to a thin piece of plywood with 1 screw fixed to the tip and bottom edges that rest on blocks of wood to make a "see saw". LOL, I have dental floss tied to eyehole screws on the sides of the plywood which enable me to "see saw" the eggs from outside the incubator.

Stupid question...the day you set the eggs in the incubator, is that day zero or day one. If I set my eggs on 1/31 and it's now 2/3, is this day 3 or day 4 for me.


I believe it is day 3...three full days in the incubator. Thats how I count it.
If you don't see anything in the egg by now, I'd just pitch it. You should be seeing movement at this point. I tossed two eggs by day 10 - one was still clear and the other had a very thick vein - but no movement. That one had stopped developing around day 3 or 4....... I always crack the eggs open though, just to check and see so I'm not left second guessing myself. Maybe grab one and crack it open and make a decision on the rest after you see what is inside the first one........
Thanks! cracked 3 tonight and they were all clear so I feel confident now! There is one that looked like a blood ring on day 5-7 and now does not?! Gonna leave that one as a maybe and crack the rest tomorrow! here's what I got so far

this last one are some day 5 amercaunas

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