Hatch-Along - setting eggs tonight or tom who's with me on this


That's great for me. I set half on 1/31 really late and the rest in the afternoon on 2/1. My day number then would correspond with the day of the month. Makes it easy to remember. :eek:) Hoping for something, anything, to hatch.

LOL, I planned to candle on day 7-10 but now you two have me really curious. I don't want to "hurt" potential hatching chance after the shipping the eggs went through.

BTW, what type of candler are you using CCL (crzychnlady)? I have one of those big LED mag lights but was thinking of building a box housing one of the higher wattage cfl lights b/c they are really bright.

I use my husband's LED light - it's a Rocky brand - I can find it on Amazon for you.

I just candled some of my eggs tonight - I got a great video - I'm not sure if you can see it or not - I made it public on facebook - it is so fascinating! This is day 8 for me......and I have been pretty much candling and watching "N" from day one because it has a thinner shell and is green so I can see through it pretty easily.

that is just too cool. I was unable to see motion two days ago when I last looked. Today is day 7. I can't wait to candle tonight!
after I prepare for the coming blizzard/storm that is.
We are supposed to get 2 feet of snow and with 20-30 mph window gusts to 60 mph, at least, that was the forecast yesterday for this Friday night. Need to fill up the gas tanks for my generator. Already have an extension cord just for the incubator.
I candled all of my eggs last night and this morning - I am thrilled - yesterday was day 8 for the first 14 eggs I set and it was time to officially candle the eggs in the incubator. Today was day 8 for the next 7 eggs so I did up those this morning, along with re-doing the ones that were iffy last night.

I am happy to report - that out of the 14, 10 of them showed movement, 1 was infertile and I tossed that, 2 were questionable - and one had veining but out of those last 3, the shells are darker and thicker and they are really hard to see into so who knows what is going on with those - only time will tell.

Out of the other 7, there was movement in 3, veining in 2 and the other two were dark and questionable. I am definitely concerned about Mrs. Howell's egg (my favorite EE who lays blue eggs) - I think it's going to be a quitter - good thing she laid another egg the next day and that one appears to be doing well - even showing movement!

Then, I have 4 more eggs that were only on day 6 today - one clearly has movement in it and the other three had veining.

I admit, I have high hopes for this little experiment. For a homemade incubator, things are going pretty
So I candled my eggs on day 5 & 7 I have tons of bouncing around movement and one I think might be a blood ring. So when do you pitch the clear or bad eggs?! no smells...this is my first time so I would die if I pitched a good egg.
I have just started getting eggs from my chickens and thinking about letting the eggs stay in the coop and do it the natural way. Is there anything I need to do or should I not leave the eggs in there? Please give me some advise There are 6 chickens and I think one is a Rooster going to post some pics
I have just started getting eggs from my chickens and thinking about letting the eggs stay in the coop and do it the natural way. Is there anything I need to do or should I not leave the eggs in there? Please give me some advise There are 6 chickens and I think one is a Rooster going to post some pics
What do you mean by the natural way? If it's cold in your parts you want to gather the eggs daily because they will freeze and ooze. If your saying you want to try to hatch eggs...Do you have a broody? Plus eggs loose there hatchability if the temp of eggs drops below 45*F (I think). Not sure if this is what you are asking :)

+also the eggs might not be fertile if your not sure you have a rooster or not. Have you noticed the rooster mounting the hens, crowing?
I would gather your eggs, when you use them check for fertility (bullseye) and if you notice fertile eggs you know you have a rooster and can begin to try to hatch the eggs. You do need a hen to go broody before you can hatch the natural way.
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