Hatching trouble!! Please help!


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2020
Hey there! So I’ve had a hen sitting on eggs for I’m thinking over 21 days now? I dated some of the eggs but those didn’t have any babies growing in them. I know a few eggs were laid after she started sitting on the ones I dated, I heard a peep yesterday in the nesting box but no chicks, checked on them today haven’t heard any peeps and there’s no holes in the eggs. Should I float them to see if they are still alive or wait another day? The eggs I dated were due the 21st so I’m hoping the others laid after aren’t too far behind.
Hey there! So I’ve had a hen sitting on eggs for I’m thinking over 21 days now? I dated some of the eggs but those didn’t have any babies growing in them. I know a few eggs were laid after she started sitting on the ones I dated, I heard a peep yesterday in the nesting box but no chicks, checked on them today haven’t heard any peeps and there’s no holes in the eggs. Should I float them to see if they are still alive or wait another day? The eggs I dated were due the 21st so I’m hoping the others laid after aren’t too far behind.
If you want to know how the eggs are doing, take them to a very dark place and use a strong light to candle them.

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