Have I become the crazy chicken lady?


Nov 12, 2015
Nor Cal
I mean what is crazy right?

But really I know some people mark or tag thier chickens to keep track of age or lineage. I have a page... I have a sheet of paper with every chicken either by name, breed, or color and make or female that has passed through my coop in the past 3 years. Literally every bird and if it left why. I'm actually too the point I have debated doing a spreadsheet for it.

In the 3 years I have owned a total of 62 birds, of which 59 where chickens and 3 guineas. Of that the 3 guineas where rehomed. I have lost a total of 9 chickens (2 as week old chicks) to death, natural or illness. I have rehomed a total of 7 chickens 1 cockerel and 6 pullets. And have lost 7 chickens to predators.

I currently have 36 chickens of which 13 are cockerels waiting freezer camp. Leaving my coop home to 22 pullets/hens and 1 rooster. And I want more....

I know the whole chicken math thing, but does anyone else keep thier chicken math mapped out on a spreadsheet just to make sure you can account for every head present or gone? I am crazy arent I?

Just for proof, there are actually 3 pages becuase 1 is the original, 1 is the current and 1 was a count out sheet to confirm so was not accounted for after the predator. It's sad I know.
Well i know one symptom of crazy chicken lady

Constantly telling chicken stories and running out of people that haven't heard it yet

When I start hearing often, "yeah I know you told me this morning..." I know I have a problem.. :gig
Lol. Usually my story's are those to my husband "omg you won't believe what things person on the chicken board said (asked)." I love talking about my chickens but I don't have many amazing stories yet
I started recording the deaths 7 years ago. Then I added their age, then their parentage,
then how they died if I knew.
They all have names.
I'm not allowed to talk about chickens with my friends and family now. Even the chickens tell me to shut up!
That's why I'm here really, to talk about chickens.
Ya the paperwork is fine. I just write down breeding info and such but do have a couple notebooks full.
That's not crazy cause most don't know. Its more of a secret obsession.
When you take your obsession out to the world then you get into crazy chicken person territory.
Ever been out in public and hear someone saying something about chickens so you jump right in and then about half way through your second story you notice you're getting the weirdo person stare and then they mention for you to move along that all they were talking about was whether or not to pick up some chicken on the way home for dinner?
I mean what is crazy right?

But really I know some people mark or tag thier chickens to keep track of age or lineage. I have a page... I have a sheet of paper with every chicken either by name, breed, or color and make or female that has passed through my coop in the past 3 years. Literally every bird and if it left why. I'm actually too the point I have debated doing a spreadsheet for it.

In the 3 years I have owned a total of 62 birds, of which 59 where chickens and 3 guineas. Of that the 3 guineas where rehomed. I have lost a total of 9 chickens (2 as week old chicks) to death, natural or illness. I have rehomed a total of 7 chickens 1 cockerel and 6 pullets. And have lost 7 chickens to predators.

I currently have 36 chickens of which 13 are cockerels waiting freezer camp. Leaving my coop home to 22 pullets/hens and 1 rooster. And I want more....

I know the whole chicken math thing, but does anyone else keep thier chicken math mapped out on a spreadsheet just to make sure you can account for every head present or gone? I am crazy arent I?

Just for proof, there are actually 3 pages becuase 1 is the original, 1 is the current and 1 was a count out sheet to confirm so was not accounted for after the predator. It's sad I know.
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Not crazy. I think it is responsible and I have my flock record on an excel sheet much more legible and professional. Anyone can read it. I will also keep an excel sheet on egg production to see how my girls do. This can track problems so you can nip them in the bud. I took my flock record to my first vet visit for them to see. It included brooder temp weaning, flock weights, feed, and developmental milestones. So far no illnesses. Also includes special notes, vaccines if received, breed, names, and hatch dates with where obtained. I now list my vet on flock record. I have only four to start. My weight chart included average weight for laying hens and weight of each chic each week up to vet visit at 8 weeks. I now don’t do weekly weights as the girls are bigger and growth above average so doing well. Will watch egg quality production and weights each year to monitor changes as well. I think your records are cool. Excel sheet best thing I ever did.
I am definitely chicken crazed! I don’t keep a written log, but ask me about any of my 20 chickens and I will bore you to death about each one!!!! My friends think I’m crazy anyway! I am always upgrading my runs and coops to make my flock’s home pretty and FUN for them. I had a friend tell me last week, “Tina, when I die, I want to come back as one of your chickens!!!!!” :lau

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