
Jan 27, 2018
My ducks were out free ranging with me this afternoon, and I was literally sitting 3 feet away from them scrolling through my phone when a hawk swooped down so fast. All 4 of my ducks scattered towards me and were trembling. The hawk pulled feathers out from one of them, but luckily that was all and she's completely fine.
This scared the crap out of me. I have seen hawks soar over my yard and swoop down some, but not this close.

Are hawks more active this time of year due to lack of food and less leaves on trees to block their view?

I am thinking about getting a net to cover the small area where they free range. Any suggestions on this? I can't lock them in their coop all day long, they need to swim, etc..

Also, will hawks still come down if they see me next to the ducks? I don't think this one saw me earlier, which is why it came so close. I am hoping thats the case and it won't come down when I am there..

Thanks for any help/suggestions!
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Sorry to say but that hawk will be back. I used to allow my girls (chickens) to grub in my backyard but not anymore. I've had one swoop through my yard when they were grubbing, luckily at that time I had alot of scrubbers. We then draped bird netting over the area until we had a dove get stuck in it.

I have only 4 girls, Hubby built a Chicken House (8x12x7) it was hard & frustrating for them so I rehomed them. I started all over, this time no roaming the yard, just confined. It was harder on my than them. Once I didn't close the door well, they got out & looked so perplexed, stuck together & I got them back in.

If you can enclose an area with a wire top or roofing, put a kiddie pool in it, that would be safe. I've read & tried hanging CDs, wind/breeze moves it & the reflection "scares" off birds. It works IF there's a strong breeze but some birds aren't afraid. I've used pin wheels which again works but only if there's a good breeze & the sun's out.

Not sure if your presence would deter a hawk but I've read/heard when they swoop down on people walking small dogs on leashes.
My ducks were out free ranging with me this afternoon, and I was literally sitting 3 feet away from them scrolling through my phone when a hawk swooped down so fast. All 4 of my ducks scattered towards me and were trembling. The hawk pulled feathers out from one of them, but luckily that was all and she's completely fine.
This scared the crap out of me. I have seen hawks soar over my yard and swoop down some, but not this close.

Are hawks more active this time of year due to lack of food and less leaves on trees to block their view?

I am thinking about getting a net to cover the small area where they free range. Any suggestions on this? I can't lock them in their coop all day long, they need to swim, etc..

Also, will hawks still come down if they see me next to the ducks? I don't think this one saw me earlier, which is why it came so close. I am hoping thats the case and it won't come down when I am there..

Thanks for any help/suggestions!
I lost a few of my chicken to hawk one while I was running errands and than the very next day a hawk killed 2 of my runners. I went and got a couple of decoy owls and we ordered a scarecrow to I got them placed out around the yard near my coops and I haven’t seen anymore hawks since and my chickens are more relaxed when they are out
We had some losses this spring so I made an articulated scarecrow and mounted it on a hand truck. I moved it into a different position every couple days and changed it’s stance so the hawks wouldn’t get accustomed to it. Also we got bottle rockets and launched them at the hawks when we saw them circling. Haven’t had any problems with hawks since all that- knock on wood.

We had some losses this spring so I made an articulated scarecrow and mounted it on a hand truck. I moved it into a different position every couple days and changed it’s stance so the hawks wouldn’t get accustomed to it. Also we got bottle rockets and launched them at the hawks when we saw them circling. Haven’t had any problems with hawks since all that- knock on wood.

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I move mine around to every couple days right now owls are on different coop and scarecrow I move around in the pen with my ducks


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They will still hunt with you nearby, unless you are insanely screaming and waving objects. And it’s much worse once the leaves fall and things begin to freeze. I’ve also had small birds get stuck in netting, so it’s not a great option. The only things that keep the hawks away here are barking dogs and screaming/playing children.
Hawks and other raptors are not deterred by the presence of humans.
Prior to owning chickens, my DH and I were having lunch on our deck with the bird feeders about 20 feet away. A kestrel flew right between us to attack the birds at the feeder. It sounded like a strike fighter it was going so fast!
This happened on 2 occasions about 4 months apart.

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