
5 Years
Jul 30, 2018
North Carolina
This morning i went to close my chickens door which is a drop down door that closes like a cassel i guess and soon as i went to push down i noticed one of my chickens put its head out to get a piece of grass i guess and the door landed on her head. It wasnt a lot of force but the door is kind of heavey and i did it slowly i immediately pulled it up and she hollard and ran in the cage for a minuet and came out when i opened it. She was acting wild and so i picked her up and calmed her down and examined her. I gave her some bread and watched to make sure she could turn her head ok and she did. She seemed fine a few minutes later but is everything ok? Shes not bleeding and like i said it barley came down on her but she seems fine. Shes a WYANDOTTE. It just worried me and i love her to death. She went back to scratching about 20 min. Later. Anything i should do. Pray for her please. GOD bless. Im going to fix that door real soon.
This morning i went to close my chickens door which is a drop down door that closes like a cassel i guess and soon as i went to push down i noticed one of my chickens put its head out to get a piece of grass i guess and the door landed on her head. It wasnt a lot of force but the door is kind of heavey and i did it slowly i immediately pulled it up and she hollard and ran in the cage for a minuet and came out when i opened it. She was acting wild and so i picked her up and calmed her down and examined her. I gave her some bread and watched to make sure she could turn her head ok and she did. She seemed fine a few minutes later but is everything ok? Shes not bleeding and like i said it barley came down on her but she seems fine. Shes a WYANDOTTE. It just worried me and i love her to death. She went back to scratching about 20 min. Later. Anything i should do. Pray for her please. GOD bless. Im going to fix that door real soon.

If she seems fine acting fine notnino to worry wait and monitor if anything devlope like nervous signs

If she didn't devlope anything
Until 72hrs shes fine

Check her head also
I checked her head when it first happened early this morning and I also checked on her about 30 mins ago and she still seems to be doing fine. Keep praying. GOD bless. Happy late Thanksgiving.

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