Heard a peep from one of Miss Broody's eggs!


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
I was putting fresh water and food in the coop last night knowing today is day 20 and 21. I lifted up one of her wings to get a quick look and heard a distinctive peep! So exciting! I tried looking around her more but could only find 4 of the 5 eggs when she started to get annoyed with me so I left. I didn't hear anything a few hours ago when I checked but I am dying to look! I know I shouldn't bother her too much but how frequently can I check on her w/o being too disruptive to her or any eggs that are hatching? This is our first time having chicks and I am so nervous and so excited!
How exciting! You could probably check every 45 minutes to an hour, if you are very fast and the hen isn't upset.
Oh wow, I didn't think I could check that often. I will try to do closer to every 2 hours, it has been almost 4 so that means I will run down there soon!!
Eek!! 2 eggs have pipped!! The one with a bigger pip has a crack and definite movement around it!! Tried to attach a video but my phone won't do it.
Not a clue. Got our rooster on Craigslist last year and the egg hatching right now is from our EE who is a total barnyard chick. I had heard the EE ahells are sometimes hard for the chicks to crack but this one seems to be doing great!! They are so vocal!!
I have mixed breeds too. I don't even know what breeds are mixed!
It hatched already!! A little black one, I didn't wanna bother mama too much but it's halfway dry already and trying to walk around. I didn't realize how excited I would be!

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