Heartbroken and feeling very guilty.


I am so sorry, hun.
oh geez sorry - what a horrible find. accidents happen and so dont blame yourself. our breeder is one of the most experienced/knowledgeable goat people in the region...and he came home to his prize buck hanging on the fence. these things happen..have a good cry and forgive yourself.
Maybe not, if she was already in trouble at that time I think you would have heard something, heard her trying to get herself loose. I just say this to help you stop blaming yourself so much.

I'm so sorry for the loss, and thank you for sharing so we can learn from your misfortune. I pray you can find a new girlfriend for your other goat.
I had a rabbits years ago that somehow had got her head caught in the feeder. I have no idea how. But she ended up breaking her neck trying to get out...I am worrier. Every lil thing I think could go wrong I fix or do away with. We also had a nail on board in the chicken coop. Talk about freak accidents. one of the hens got her beak caught and hung her self...how that happened I have know idea!

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