*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Oakstar yowled angrly,"Leopardmoon, Increse the border patrols, NOW!"he demanded and whisked way.
SwanStar nodded,"Shadetalon, your fine.Go to the Medacine cat."she meowed softly.

Leopardmoon flicked her tail to two warriors who had over heard them, they quickly stumbled to there paws and walked out of camp quickly


Shadetalon bows his head to Swanstar before walking to the medicine den
Well, I try to complement her and she hisses at me. Silverstep thought as she padded up to Amberpool. "When do you think we'll leave? Once everyone has caught something?" she asked.
Rainkit looked a little crestfallen. "Oh, OK." she said then perked up and went to Ravenkit.
Flamekit nodded happily, he looked fondly at Firekit. It's kind of like my name. he thought.
Lilypool licked Goldentail's head, and laid down next to her.

"I guess we can head back now" says Amberpool, "I'm not feeling very well, I'm going to go see Nettlewater" she added.
Name: Crowflight
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Tom
Personality: Calm, sweet, fun, sometimes snappy.
Clan: DawnClan
Description: Dark dark grey with green eyes
History: Both parents are dead and has one sibling, Brindlefrost.
Mate: Amberpool
Kits: Smokekit, Snowkit, and Leavekit.
Rank: New warrior
Username: @chicken4prez
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"I guess we can head back now" says Amberpool, "I'm not feeling very well, I'm going to go see Nettlewater" she added. 

"What's this about Nettlewater?"Asked Nettlewater, the Tan and white Shecat slid gracefully from the tall grasses,"come with me"she hissed to Amberpool and whisked away.
Leopardmoon flicked her tail to two warriors who had over heard them, they quickly stumbled to there paws and walked out of camp quickly


Shadetalon bows his head to Swanstar before walking to the medicine den

Stormpaw sat mixing herbs in the Medacine cats den and looked up as Shadetalon walked in,<>Oh Mouse dung.Im not supposed to be here and now he's going to find out<>she thought,"Hello"she addressed the warrior,"what can I do?"
"What's this about Nettlewater?"Asked Nettlewater, the Tan and white Shecat slid gracefully from the tall grasses,"come with me"she hissed to Amberpool and whisked away.
Stormpaw sat mixing herbs in the Medacine cats den and looked up as Shadetalon walked in,<>Oh Mouse dung.Im not supposed to be here and now he's going to find out<>she thought,"Hello"she addressed the warrior,"what can I do?"

"I'm not feeling very well these days" said Amberpool. "I can't seem to catch any prey" she mumbles.

(Remember that Amberpool in expecting kits Kyndra)

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