Heat Stress/Heat stroke - How long do symptoms last?

Sorry, this is beyond me...have dealt with heat stroke, she was blinded, but she revived within a day with Sav-A-Chick, given with a Qtip for the first 4 hours.
Now give it regularly when they show sign of heat stress....
...and the giant all day ice chunks really do seem to help cool them off.

Necrospy is the only way to really know what is wrong.
Best of Luck to you.
Maybe pick up some Nutridrench.
Funny you would suggest this! Fella, my D'Uccles, collapsed exactly like Peanut did - in minutes! I practically poured Chick Saver into him (all I had left on short notice.) He drank it down without batting an eye - and within ten minutes, he was up and talking to FeatherFoot again. This is SO WEIRD!!!
I now have Rooster Booster's liquid B 12 with Vitamin K and Durvet's Vitamins and Electrolytes for Poultry (a powder to mix into water.) We still have one more day to go on the Corid, but I'm told that Corid depletes Vitamin B to "starve" the coccidia (?) Should I start the vitamins? I'm grasping at straws, here, but I'll do what I can to keep them alive until I can get them either tested (fecal float, necropsy, blood test, whatever!) or they give up.
The emergency vet doesn't have any help, right now. The avian specialist isn't on duty, but they're trying to reach her.
Sorry, this is beyond me...have dealt with heat stroke, she was blinded, but she revived within a day with Sav-A-Chick, given with a Qtip for the first 4 hours.
Now give it regularly when they show sign of heat stress....
...and the giant all day ice chunks really do seem to help cool them off.

Necrospy is the only way to really know what is wrong.
Best of Luck to you.
They can see, and they're wobbly, but it appears to be more weakness than lameness. The heat stroke was just the first day. They've been in the AC ever since and the ones left outside are doing fine with Corid, ice and frozen blueberries. Fella recovered from the heat stroke quickly with a little cool water - inside and out, but when he didn't come all the way back by the next day, I started looking beyond the heat. That's when the others started to look sick. Once Fella got the Chick Starter in him, he ate and drank unaided and is moving around the kennel on his own, talking to his lady-friend.
Not literally, I hope...probably not, but gotta say:
it's pretty easy to drown them by 'pouring' or squirting liquid into their mouths.
Ha Ha! No, not literally! I used an eyedropper, thinking I'd have to coax it along his beak, but he took it as fast as I could dribble. In fact, I couldn't squeeze it out fast enough for him!
Yes, I think it does, but not sure how much.

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