Heat tolerant breeds?


5 Years
Apr 7, 2019
Hi! We have a friend looking into getting chickens who lives in an area where they get very hot summers and very mild winters. We were wondering about some of the most heat tolerant breeds for a climate like this. I've heard that Silkies and Sumatras are good, but would love some other breeds. On the topic of Silkies - are they very heat tolerant, or just some? Thank you!
Cubalayas are quite heat tolerant, never seem to flinch even in triple digits and humidity here. My Ancona, Leghorn hybrids, and Golden Campine do very well also.

In general, breeds with small bodies and larger combs are more likely to do well. Avoid the extra fluffy large bodied birds like Orpingtons (though that said, my buff does fine given shade and water like any other living being in the Texas summers :lol:)
I agree with the small body large comb comments on the bases that its logical. I almost typed it then realized I have a limited amount of breeds that i have owned to test the theory myself and others who have experiences with these breeds would say something. As far a large breed that is very heat tolerant my Dorking's are thriving in the heat and even laying heavy during heat waves which I was told they would not. They lay heavy in winter but mine also lay heavy in summer when they are done raising their own chicks. They are never panting like the other larger birds I have. Although they are fragile as chicks as adults they seem tough as nails. My Ayam Cemanis do not even seem to notice when we have a heat wave, seems like normal weather to them, My Welsummers do not struggle in heat waves either.
My blue Andalusians, naked necks, Ameraucanas, and silkie seem plenty happy in the southern heat. Some in the background with my munchkin, best pic I have of them.


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