Heated chicken waterer?

HN's are the best IMO...less mess and no evaporation.

I've had all age birds either pick it right up within an hour...and others that take weeks to really figure it out.

Here's my thoughts on 'nipple training':
First, it's good to know how much water your flock consumes 'normally', I top off water every morning and have marks on the waterers so I know about how much they drink.

Found they drank just as much from the nipples as they did from the open waterer.

-Do not train to nipples during extreme temps when dehydration is more of a risk.

-Show them how with your finger(tho that might just train them to wait for your finger),
and/or manually grab them and push their head/beak onto the trigger(easier with chicks than adults).

-No other water source, best to 'train' during mild weather when dehydration is less of an immediate health risk. I do provide an open waterer late in day to make sure they don't go to roost dehydrated, especially young chicks.

It can take days or weeks to get them fully switched over, just takes observation, consistency, and patience.
I have an open waterer in there run right now, should I take it out?
I have an open waterer in there run right now, should I take it out?

-No other water source, best to 'train' during mild weather when dehydration is less of an immediate health risk. I do provide an open waterer late in day to make sure they don't go to roost dehydrated, especially young chicks.
I have been looking for a heated chicken waterer, don't know which one I should use. Is it better to use a heated waterer base or the actual heated waterer? Thank you in advance
I use a base for my fount waterer, and it works great. I have not had a winter with my cup waterer, yet, however, so I'm not sure what to do for that style.
I have the heated pet water bowl that I got at TSC
So do I. Easy peasy, just pour water into it daily.
Farm Innovators 6 quart. round heated pet bowl

The cord comes out a grove in the base and can be stored under the base when you don't need to plug it in. I keep it outside the barn near the hose in non freezing months. They are thermostatically controlled so they draw no power when the temp is above freezing.

I swear my 20 (last year, 25 now) hens drink more in a day than the 2 alpacas. They have a heated 5 gallon bucket.
That's the one I have for my chickens. It has worked well so far. Occasionally when it's really cold, the lid freezes to the bottom and there will be a thin layer of ice on the top of the water.
So do I. Easy peasy, just pour water into it daily.
Farm Innovators 6 quart. round heated pet bowl

The cord comes out a grove in the base and can be stored under the base when you don't need to plug it in. I keep it outside the barn near the hose in non freezing months. They are thermostatically controlled so they draw no power when the temp is above freezing.

I swear my 20 (last year, 25 now) hens drink more in a day than the 2 alpacas. They have a heated 5 gallon bucket.
I use this type for my ducks. 😊

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