Heavy winds and rains - Is the INSIDE coop a better place for them?


9 Years
May 4, 2010
Well, in our cage, there is an inner coup and an outer coop. The outer coop allows them to run around, etc, and inside the outside coop is an inner coup, which is where they all sleep. The wind here is so bad that some trees (not huge trees) are snapping. They have a heat lamp inside, food, and water. They are all huddled up.

So I'm thinking, if the wind makes the outside coop unstable or it blows down - They'd still be inside the inner coop, and the wind wouldn't "take them away".
I HIGHLY doubt tornadoes are coming, it's basically a storm, which we haven't had in a while. I believe the wind may be calming down SOME, but it's still pretty windy.

I live in Georgia, so we don't really get too many tornadoes.

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