Help! 11 degrees ºF outside and need some water!



Jul 13, 2019
St. Louis, MO USA
My water heaters are working fine but the water cups are frozen. So I am manually giving them water in bowls but I have to go out there every 30 minutes and get out the ice and refill. Can I use Snow for them to drink?
Fresh water is vital, especially in extreme cold. Offering snow would not be an adequate substitute.
Do you have access to a heated dog water bowl you could use instead? Or a deeper container that wouldn't freeze solid as quickly? I've heard the thick, black rubber containers work well. This way you only need to break the top ice up every few hours or so. I have the same problem with sub freezing temps. For me it means many extra trips to the run to break the ice in their bowl.
I agree with all the other comments, especially on bringing water to them 2 or 3 times a day. Primarily get them hydrated in the morning and again before dusk.
You need to use chicken water founts for now. Bowls spill and then there is no water and a mess.
As much as I love the drinker cups, they are worthless below 32F.
There is no circulation so no matter what the temperature of the water in the reservoir is, the lines and cups will freeze solid unless chickens are drinking out of them every couple minutes around the clock - which they won't be doing.

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