Help! 6 day old chick all of a sudden sick

You have nothing to lose at this point. Try the swaddling in warm towels and more oil. It's a final "Hail Mary" attempt. I'm as sad about this poor little chick as you are. Try these last things. If they work, that would be wonderful, but I expect your chick to die before morning.
Um so is it normal for a chick to start walking a little and chirping a lot before they pass?
She's on top of a heating pad that I had strapped to the side of the box. How long should I keep giving her eggs and nutridrench honey water for before giving up? She's still not moving and is only opening her eyes when she randomly thrashes her head around 😞


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Do you have a heat lamp you can put on her instead? I'd worry about her getting too hot on top of the pad and being unable to get off.
If you have a slender oral syringe, it may be adequate since the distance from beak to crop is so short. Load the syringe all the way to 1 ml. The pry open the chick's beak, hold it open with a finger in the opposite side, and slide the syringe tip into the chick's right side of the beak. you want to go slightly under the tongue to avoid hitting the airway in the center behind the tongue.

Insert the syringe tip an inch past the beak and slowly push the fluid out of the syringe.

First, before you put anything more into the chick's crop, spend a minute massaging the crop to try to empty it. Just little circular motions with a finger tip.

Here is a guide that includes tubing a small chick.
I don't have anything small enough to fit 😞 and I couldn't find anything smaller at rural king.

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