Help! 6 day old chick all of a sudden sick

You have nothing to lose at this point. Try the swaddling in warm towels and more oil. It's a final "Hail Mary" attempt. I'm as sad about this poor little chick as you are. Try these last things. If they work, that would be wonderful, but I expect your chick to die before morning.
Um so is it normal for a chick to start walking a little and chirping a lot before they pass?
You're serious? She's reviving? She's going to pull through!

No. A chick that is dying keeps on going. But chicks can simulate death due to something like this, but recover with the right stimulation.

Can you continue to update? I can postpone bedtime for this.
Oh, no. Do you mean she died and she appeared to revive before she actually died? We lost her?
I thought she was going to be gone by morning. She's still lethargic, but somehow still alive. She did poop a little too. I'm going to try some egg yolk and see if that helps. I honestly don't know how she made it through the night.


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It's a miracle she alive. You said she briefly stood up last night. If she did that, she must not have neurological damage to her nerves.

She needs nourishment. See if she will eat something. Applesauce with a little egg yolk mixed in. Do you have poultry Nutri-drench on hand? It's made for such a chick. Warm whatever you give her, including any water. And the water should have sugar in it.
It's a miracle she alive. You said she briefly stood up last night. If she did that, she must not have neurological damage to her nerves.

She needs nourishment. See if she will eat something. Applesauce with a little egg yolk mixed in. Do you have poultry Nutri-drench on hand? It's made for such a chick. Warm whatever you give her, including any water. And the water should have sugar in it.
I do have nutridrench. I have added some to the sugar baking soda water. I just push 1ml of it but I'm about to give her a break. I've been massaging her crop. If she makes it to tomorrow I might see if a vet can see her if it's not too expensive.
Try just raw egg yolk. Mix it up, dip your finger in, and put it right up to her beak 4-5 times or until she stops swallowing. Do this every 15-20 minutes. Egg yolk is the best nutrition a baby chick can get to revive them.

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