Help! Call Ducks Due!

Should my eggs be moving? I put them on lock down yesterday (day 23) and they are due Wednesday (June 3rd) I have seen no movement. I have sprayed the eggs with warm. But still nothing.
Should my eggs be moving? I put them on lock down yesterday (day 23) and they are due Wednesday (June 3rd) I have seen no movement. I have sprayed the eggs with warm. But still nothing.

Well don't spray them, you may see a wiggle or two here and there if you are STARING at the bator, and what is the humidity and temp at right now?
Looks good as long as there's a fan, But no need to spray them, your only going to increase that humidity.. Just let the little buggers do there thing.
Ok so when do I know if they need help? Can I candle them? Or is that dangerous?
Looks good as long as there's a fan, But no need to spray them, your only going to increase that humidity.. Just let the little buggers do there thing.
Wait for the due date, it's not even time for them to be completed, we have to give them there due date.. By then you may see/hear some changes, like Internal pipping... LOL

hang tight, .. babies are coming, they have all that make up to put on, comb all that baby fur, they have a lot of work ahead of them right now.. they want to look GOOD and apparently that takes time.
Wait for the due date, it's not even time for them to be completed, we have to give them there due date..  By then you may see/hear some changes, like Internal pipping...  LOL

hang tight, .. babies are coming, they have all that make up to put on, comb all that baby fur, they have a lot of work ahead of them right now..  they want to look GOOD and apparently that takes time.

Ok thank you :) I've been on here all day looking for more things to worry about lol
Ok thank you
I've been on here all day looking for more things to worry about lol

LOL, well waiting for them isn't the answer. LOL they are busy taken there time. so you will be pulling out ALL of your hair if you think something is going to happen today or tomorrow. I'm talking arm hairs, leg hairs, arm pit hair, ALLL your hair. LOL
Still not movement from my eggs
day 25, should they be moving? Can I candle them too see what's up?

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