Help! Call Ducks Due!

One has gotten through and externally pipped!! 5 out of 16 are bobbing around! Don't know how many are going to hatch but amazing to see how lively they get!!
He's made quite the progress by himself should be out and about by the morning! The others have yet to pip externally but they have internally. I can see shadows poking about and feel them as they try to pip out! If nothing in the morning I might help by poking through .
He's made quite the progress by himself should be out and about by the morning! The others have yet to pip externally but they have internally. I can see shadows poking about and feel them as they try to pip out! If nothing in the morning I might help by poking through .
Perhaps I have my threads confused because I have been talking with a lot of people lately but aren't you the one who said you lost some while zipping?
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