Help! Call Ducks Due!

Nope mine are still alive and tapping one emerged this morning!

Just keep an eye on them, As you can see with my mix up, someone did contact me saying while zipping, there call had died, if they are zipping you can safely just pop the top of the shell off, it's not going to hurt them and will make it a tab bit easier for them. LOL

I know in the past, I had a few that zipped and just quit so you may want to watch out for that just in case, don't let him sit there zipping to long...

This is what chick 2 looks like any advice?
ALRIGHT, he was just taken his time.  WOO HOO..  Are 3-4-5 making any noise?
Tons apparently there was 6 who died when the power went out when u was at work. No humidity is at 0% now the eggs are almost there! They are in the incubator wrapped in warm paper towel. I didn't know what else to do :(

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