*Help!* Chicken with crop/constipation issues


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2015
Wellington, New Zealand
So we have a 1 year old Chinese silkie hen that has been nesting recently and a few weeks ago i had noticed she had lost a lot of weight so i separated her from the rest and have tried to put weight back on her. Long story short i had issues with putting weight on her so i took her to a bird rehabilitation place that i work closely with and they seemed to think she had a obstructed crop so they flushed it out but it continues to block up so we are going to take her to the vet again but the other issue i'm having with her is the vent area is very swollen and quite raw, shes also having major issues with passing anything. Anyone know what could have caused these issues? do you think they're connected to each other? what i can do for her to help her toilet easier as shes straining a lot and can tell its a struggle for her, i have only just noticed a bit of light blood in the liquid drops that shes trying to pass.

ill post some photos of her vent, i put paw paw on the outside of the vent before i took the photos.

Btw - shes eating and has an appetite and not lethargic yet, she has put on a tiny bit of weight from the rehabilitation place from being crop fed. shes not egg bound they checked.


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Is she able to poop at all?
Seeking vet care is always best.

You can try soaking her in a warm epsom salts bath to help sooth her.
The vent looks like it has been damaged and probably prolapsed at some point.

You can give her 1 tsp of Coconut oil, massage the crop to see if that will help get an impaction moving.

It's hard to see if that's actually dried up poop inside the vent or is she has some lash material in there. Whatever is blocking that you are going to have to work on getting that clear, you may have to physically dig it out.
I agree that it looks like lash egg material blocking her vent. Unfortunately she will probably not make it but if you want to try to treat it she will need regular warm Epsom salts soaks and that blockage removing by gently digging away at that stuff. She will die if she is unable to pass faeces and yes that is why her crop is slow.
The cause of the lash egg is usually an infection of the oviduct known as salpingitis and she may be completely impacted with more of that stuff throughout her reproductive tract which will be causing her a great deal of discomfort. Major and very risky and expensive surgery would be required if her oviduct is impacted with it.
The long term prognosis is pretty poor with salpingitis I'm afraid and it might be kinder to end her suffering now, but I can understand you will want to try to clear it.
Hey all, we had originally taken her to a vet but he unfortunately wasn't a avian type vet which we sadly lack of in our area, however we took her to a vet that our friends at the bird rehabilitation place had recommended (they're avian experience) and sadly the vet concluded she had in fact had a partial prolapse at some point during laying and it had dried up, they said it would be a very hard thing to fix and recommended euthanasia which we had already expected going in due to the struggle she was having in passing poop. So we took the vets advice. Thanks for the help :)
Hey all, we had originally taken her to a vet but he unfortunately wasn't a avian type vet which we sadly lack of in our area, however we took her to a vet that our friends at the bird rehabilitation place had recommended (they're avian experience) and sadly the vet concluded she had in fact had a partial prolapse at some point during laying and it had dried up, they said it would be a very hard thing to fix and recommended euthanasia which we had already expected going in due to the struggle she was having in passing poop. So we took the vets advice. Thanks for the help :)
I'm sorry for your loss:hugs
Thank you for updating the thread.

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