
May 18, 2018
I recently adopted 8 ducks that the owner was giving away for free. The ducks had no pool just a small dish of water and the ground was dirt. They are not quacking and when I looked at their poop it was dirt in small amounts of water. I have given them two plastic pools one deep enough for them to dive in and added organic apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver to it. I have also given them a little plastic bowl of feed. They seem to be running around and swimming just fine. Can anyone give me advice on what to do? They are currently quarantined from my other ducks. Please help I’ve never had this problem before. The breeds are mixed but there is a pekin, 1 welsh harlequin mix, 4 Rouens some with tuffs and two unknown black ones with tuffs ( not Indian runners) the last owner said that they are 3 months old.
I do not know how to post photos.
My other ducks have a coop but I didn’t want to get them sick Incase these ones are sick. They are currently in my backyard and their pen is right by my window. We don’t really have any issues with predators. I have gotten new ducks before and my ducks hatched their own and this problem has never occurred.

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