HELP!!!! Exposed membrane and blood vessels!HATCHING CHICK WITH MISSING BOTTOM SHELL!

I think she will be out before then :D
I did just happen to think about the other end. From where that membrane was exposed, it could be stuck to her inside there. So pay careful attention when she does push oit. If that end of the membrane is stuck to her bottom side, don't let her yank it off. You may have to gently work the gunk loose. You can clip some of the stuff away, just avoid any bleeders. if anything is still attached at the belly, leave as much as possible to dry up on its own.
Okay thanks! I will definitely keep an eye on that!
I think she will be out before then :D
I did just happen to think about the other end. From where that membrane was exposed, it could be stuck to her inside there. So pay careful attention when she does push oit. If that end of the membrane is stuck to her bottom side, don't let her yank it off. You may have to gently work the gunk loose. You can clip some of the stuff away, just avoid any bleeders. if anything is still attached at the belly, leave as much as possible to dry up on its own.
Yes, have had assists walking around with chunks of shell stuck on, one was very large, had to 'soak' it off by dripping warm water.

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