HELP!!!! Exposed membrane and blood vessels!HATCHING CHICK WITH MISSING BOTTOM SHELL!

This is astonishing! What a duckling, what a trooper!

You should be proud.

Gee that chick looks rough. Sadly, I don't do well when it comes to illness. Like WVduckchick said, it might be at that awkward stage of development.

Make sure the chick is eating and drinking, if the poop looks normal and if he/she is acting funny, maybe weak or something. Hopefully, the chick gets back to his/her feet.

Goodluck. Keep us updated, I'm intrigued :pop
This is astonishing! What a duckling, what a trooper!

You should be proud.

Gee that chick looks rough. Sadly, I don't do well when it comes to illness. Like WVduckchick said, it might be at that awkward stage of development.

Make sure the chick is eating and drinking, if the poop looks normal and if he/she is acting funny, maybe weak or something. Hopefully, the chick gets back to his/her feet.

Goodluck. Keep us updated, I'm intrigued :pop
Thanks! I will keep everyone updated no worries.
if it weren't eating at all, it would be dead by now. I would wager she was using low quality feed, or even scratch or something like that. It probably doesn't know what good food is! Lol it'll learn. :fl
if it weren't eating at all, it would be dead by now. I would wager she was using low quality feed, or even scratch or something like that. It probably doesn't know what good food is! Lol it'll learn. :fl
She told me she throws them her Mexican food leftovers from time to time.... So I'm certain that the poor bird doesn't know how to eat normal food.
I have had to feed them by hand before just to get them started. If you wrap a handkerchief around it's body, imobililizing the legs it's easier. Please keep us up to date. Thanks.
How exactly do you hand feed?
And this chick doesn't protest AT ALL to being held. Just goes limp.:-\
She is all pasted with poop and dirty feathers.
Could I give her a bath?
Would a bath also help get rid of any mites or lice?

You can give her a bath, just keep her warm, and blow-dry afterward. I would recommend some permethrin spray for the bugs. Usually a couple of applications will kill them all. Make sure they haven't invaded her skin anywhere. I'd spray with permethrin first, wait a day, then do a good bath. Silkies supposedly like primping. lol

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