HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!! Is he still alive???**PICS**


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 11, 2011
Owen Sound, Canada
Hi, I have an abandoned wild turkey egg( dont worry its not against the law where i am from) that I have been incubating for 21 days it's brothers and sisters were broken open when we found him and we didn't see anything forming and i have been thinking that the hen had not yet say on the nest. i named the egg dexter because i brought him home to my nanny (grandma) it a shoe box labeled Dexter. so far i have been able to see the air sac and a floating dark glob. i am thinking that my light wasnt strong enough so i am just about to go and buy a REALLY powerful flashlight. anyway i was wondering if anyone knows what i might be able to see today. i am thinking that he is a late bloomer since he is nt as developed as he should be but he has been slowly growing so i am almost sure he is not dead. if and again i would really like to know if he is alive or not since the little egg has us wraped around his little wing already, my nanny had the most scared look on her face once i saw that there was something in there. and i am hoping to see the look of adoration when he hatches.

Pictures are on page 3
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I think they hatch at 28 days? Can't remember off top of the head. The egg should be mostly dark coloed with an air cell on the larger end. You could see some veins if your light is bright enough, the shell light enough, etc.
I have been looking at other peoples posts and they take 28 days to hatch. I was wondering what stage they should be at now. This blob is taking up about 1\\4 of the shell right now (day22) should I still be worrying? The shell is hard to see through even with my 2 000 000 candle light flashlight, any pics that might be of help? I would show you the pics that I took but my computer had a meltdown yesterday and the pics deleted so I can't show you what he looks like:(
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When you candle the egg, do you see it moving around inside when you are holding it still? Hopefully the blob you are seeing isnt a yolk...
When you candle the egg, do you see it moving around inside when you are holding it still? Hopefully the blob you are seeing isnt a yolk...

Yes, when I candle it it does move the tinniest bit, my grandpa pointed it out to me yesterday:D
I, personally, have never tried to hatch a turkey egg but I have chickens and when I candled them, there was a tiny baby bouncing all around inside. I would think it would look the same...
turkey poults take 28 days.. if the egg was abandoned you wouldn't know for sure when lockdown would be.. but if you have been incubating for 21 days you should be really close.. for lockdown make sure you bump up your humidity to at least 80% or he won't be able to break through the membrane on his own

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