Help, how do I make a dust bath?


In the Brooder
May 30, 2017
I am a newbie chicken lady, my chicks are about 6 weeks old ( maybe 7?) so I decided that I need to make them a dust bath. I am currently using dirt and sand from my yard/driveway with a touch of grit. What do I need to know?
That's fine. Chicks can dirt bathe in just about anything. If you wish to get really upscale, peat moss is a supreme medium. But be prepared for lots of dust.

I usually just give mine a tub of sand.
We use peat moss and wood ash. Dirt and sand work well too. Our soil is clay and not fine enough so we don't use it. When Hubs gets a truckload of topsoil or sand delivered for other uses, I always grab a bucket full for the chickens.
I just put an old tire in the run, with holes in the bottom. I put the pine shavings, spilled chicken feed, dirt from the yard, lawn clippings and other small things in the tire. I need to get some ash from the fire pit the next time I am out there. I hear they may build their own dust bath and if they do, I will move the tire to that location, or not, we'll see. It is all such a fun learning experience.

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