HELP! My 8wk Saxony barely keeping her L eye open and has a hoarse voice (new vid )

How's she doing? Did the Baytril come?
Hi! No still no baytril, I’m hoping it gets her tomorrow. Her eye is totally normal again so other than her hoarse voice she’s acting fine. Eating, drinking, playing in the water. We were afraid maybe she had something stuck in her throat and massaged what felt like something after giving her olive oil and my BF said it felt like something broke up and went down. Still hoarse and no quack still this morning. So kinda at a loss about what actually is causing this. She did used to have a strong loud quack. Do you think baytril will help if there’s some kind of underlying infection?
I’m almost convinced it’s something in her throat but I can’t feel anything. This is how she’s sitting with her neck today. Should we try giving her more olive oil?
No more oil. If she accidentally aspirates (inhales) any oil she could get lipoid pneumonia, which would almost certainly be fatal. Do you have a food or postal scale that you can weigh her on? I think it would be a good idea to start tracking her weight.
What does she eat?
She’s on all flock feed, treats of corn and peas and some treats of cat food. Broccoli and cabbage the other day, and grass in their run. This morning her crop was empty ( didn’t feel anything, both sides feel soft and meaty I guess how I’d explain it lol) Felt the same as daisy another duck, my daughter didn’t notice anything either. I’m at a complete loss as to what is going on with her.
If she’s been with the flock anyway no reason to separate. Is a vet an option? Respiratory infections don’t just go away they need antibiotics if that is what’s wrong. If it’s cold where you are and you bring your duck in for a warm bath then take her back outside you risk her chilling. If your going to bring her inside best keep her inside.
Thank you so much for responding. Unfortunately vet is not an option where we live. They have clean water to play in and swim and another smaller tub they can swim and play in too. If it is a respiratory thing will it spread to the other birds? And thank you for steering me away from a warm bath bc I didn’t even think about her transitioning back outside, and it’s realllly cold here right now. So best recommendation and course of action I should take would be what in your opinion. Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!!
I gave my drake a cool bath so I didn't bring his body temp up to high. After he was clean, I let him shake dry and preen without water for about 45 min, then towel dried his feet/face and malde sure he wasn't wet before I returned him to the coop. As far as antibiotics I have no idea. In the past when my chickens got a round of the sniffles I have them vitamins from our local feed store and added apple cider vinegar with cranberry to the drinking water. I was super lucky abd this was enough to kick it out of their systems but I do recognize that sometimes more medical approaches are nessesary. I hope you all the luck in the world so that adorable duck can make a comeback.
Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely be adding Apple cider vinegar to their water. Bc it is only about mid 50’s here during the day should I let her bathe and get warm then dry her all off and keep her inside for a night or just add the apple cider vinegar to their water and just keep an eye on her? They get clean water to bathe in every morning. I wouldn’t have been so concerned but her little voice is so quiet and hoarse sounding that I knew something was up immediately this morning.
If you feel she’s sick then she should be inside kept warm and watched to make sure she’s eating and drinking.
Well she’s acting fine, gobbling up treats and greens and food and still swimming and drinking. I was just concerned about her preferring to keep her L eye closed and that hoarse little sound is what alerted me to “somethings gotta be up”. I really don’t want to have to bring her inside bc I’m afraid that would be a big stressor on her being apart from her flock. So I guess I’m just trying to gauge what is the most helpful way of treating my little gal with as little of stress on her as possible. I have vetRx and vitamin B complex I read you guys had recommended in the past. Would either of those be helpful for her?
quarantine her so that she’s the only one drinking the antibiotic
You need to give it orally, not in water. I know the instructions say to put it in water, but trust me, it must be given orally, and there are several reasons why...
  • She must get a precise dose and giving it the water does not guarantee that.
  • If you have hard water, the Baytril can bind with the minerals in the water which will make it less effective.
  • It's very bitter and many birds will not drink water medicated with it.
So back to her weight... Will you be able to weigh her?

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