Help my chicken was attacked (photos attached)

Not wanting to sound heartless or mean but they were free chickens and I don’t for see my husband going along with the idea of spending money at a vet for a chicken that we got for free that has maybe laid a half a dozen eggs since we’ve gotten her
That's ok, I fully understand. Just keep her inside in a warm dark place. If you have any Triple antibiotics with out pain reliever in it. literally squirt the entire tube into her body cavity. Sometimes this will seal off the puncture. In the human field, we use Vaseline to seal it off. But, I think the Triple antibiotic will work. Keep her in a dark, warm place and hold your girl. Hopefully one of the Experts that were summons will join in.
Can you carefully, without tearing the skin, pluck all the feathers one inch back from the edge of the wound (this is called creating a margin, and it's something that should be done). When plucking, do one feather at a time and pluck in the direction the feathers are growing. If the skin is too delicate in an area, trim that feather instead.

Once you have the area plucked, can you take new pictures?

Edited to fix autocorrect errors.
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Checking in.
It is very important to flush the wound to get as much of the bacteria out as possible. Then cut the feathers OFF so you can clearly see the wound and take pictures of the wound. We need this in order to assess the depth and damage. Keep her warm and if need be wrap her in a clean dry towel. I am not sure of the supplies you have on hand but use the chlorahexadine if you have it. DO NOT use Peroxide or anything with a numbing agent in it.

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