Help! My chickens are dropping dead with no warning!

Is it possible to get live birds tested? I would definitely do that. I'm not against getting a necropsy at all, in fact, first chance I get I will do it. But like I said before, it's not possible this time due to factors I can't control. In the meantime, should I do anything? Use permithrin spray if that is the (possible) cause? Should I halt all my plans for fair?
Is it possible to get live birds tested? I would definitely do that. I'm not against getting a necropsy at all, in fact, first chance I get I will do it. But like I said before, it's not possible this time due to factors I can't control. In the meantime, should I do anything? Use permithrin spray if that is the (possible) cause? Should I halt all my plans for fair?
Yes live birds can best tested for certain diseases.

For now I wouldn't wait and start using permethrin to help control the bugs invade they are the reason for the deaths.
Do you spray it ON the birds? I have a permithrin spray for treating mites/ lice. Would that work in the meantime? We are leaving for 5 days tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning so there is not much I can do.
Permethrin is permethrin.
Are the bugs landing on your birds?

I'd spray the birds and both the inside and outside of the coop to try to keep the gnats and flies away.

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