HELP! My goat gave birth! REALLY BAD NEWS Post#77 Need Answers

I knew someone would ask. I have been doing all of this from my phone and it's a pain to upload pics on here. I will get some soon.

I just brought mom in the house again and the stronger of the 2 babies got up and stood on his feet next to her
I'm still crossing my fingers for the other bugger. At least she isn't flopping around anymore. Did I mention we have a boy and a girl!
Are you sure she is only seven months? This doesn't even seem possible, but I know very little about goats reproduction.

Goats can actually breed and be bred as young as eight weeks of age! So, bheila you need to separate these two (brother and sister) before they are 8 weeks old.

And goats are notorious for 'accidental' breedings. I'm assuming and hoping that this was an accidental breeding on the first owners part. Goats have actually bred through fences, bucks have been known to clear five to six foot fences or literally go through the fence to get to their girl.

We are sure rooting for you... please keep us updated AND when you can breath for a few minutes... pictures!​
i could be wrong but i couldve swore i saw this tube of something that was supposed to be goat colostrum at atwoods was in a syringe type tube with a plunger?
So here is the latest update. The kids are all warmed up finally
I have tar poop and pee all over my kitchen floor and mama goat is doing good. The kids are now also standing on their own and trying to nurse on mama. I made the decision to move them back out to their goat shed and give them a heat lamp(don't worry I tied the light in 2 different places incase 1 fails, we don't want any fires.) They will be safe and the other goat can't bother them. I can't believe how fast those little goaties bounced back from how bad they were. I will now have the fun task of going out to the shed all night long to make sure they are nursing often enough
Of coarse I can't sleep in tomorrow because school starts again

Here is the best picture I could get you from my phone in the dark under a red light. I 'll get some better ones tomorrow. The black and white one that looks like a Holstein is the male and the brown one is the female. Enjoy! They stand about 7 inches. Just to give you an idea of how small they are.

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