Help! My silkie hen got attacked!

What kind of antibiotic?
So far all I've given her is baterium zinc ointment for her head, to try to keep out the bacteria.
Also, sugar in her water.
What kind of oral antibiotic are you guys referring to? Because I want it!

I'll try giving her some fruit or bran. I may go pick up some mealworms as well.
So far all she's kind of eaten is hard boiled egg (only the yolk) and a couple pieces of oatmeal.
Well, I am not sure what the best antibiotic is. Sorry I did not see your reply sooner. My internet was being difficult. Anyway, if you go to a feed store and ask them, they should be able to help you. It will probably be a broad spctrum antibiotic.

It is great she is eating egg yolk and you are probably right not to feed her the white, as it would be harder to digest. I am just winging it here-I'm no expert. I have nursed many animals back to health though, so am just going on that experience, but I am willing to offer what I can give. The little girl must be special to you, for you to be working so hard to save her.

Can you contact a local, backyard breeder and ask for help too? Someone might be willing to see her and maybe offer more advice?

Please keep us posted and again, you might try the emergency link for some suggestions, but Please, please let us know the outcome. She has survived this long, so maybe she will make it! :) Sending good chicky health vibes your way.
Well, here's the deal.
I called a vet that is responsible for checking out exotic animals, so I thought I would give it a try.
I explained to the vet everything that had happened to her, her behavior, and what she was unable/able to do.
He told me she most likely has a back injury, and that is why she has been unable to hold herself up.
He was happy to hear she could flap her wings and move her legs around, the only thing she can't do is walk.

He said a part of it could be weakness, so he told me to go to a pharmacy and look for a calcium syrup. I'm not very sure what calcium syrup is, but I'll check.
He said he can't give me any antibiotics without me bringing her in, and unfortunately that would cost $60, so unless she gets worse I don't really want to bring her in.
She ate her regular food yesterday, partially because I put bits of egg yolk in it. But I'm happy to see she's eating normal food (with my help still).

He said back injuries can take a long time to heal, and that if she can get over the "12 day hump" (?) she'll probably live!
Only 3 more days then. Moment of truth. Then I have to wait a long time for her to heal....a lot of unexpectancies.
Well, I guess I'll give a quick(ish) update :)
She got over over the 12 day hump, and she is making slow but steady progress!

Today I actually saw her eating out of her bowl! Without my help! I mean, she still can't walk and has a hard time keeping her balance, so in the middle of feeding herslef she'll fall over, but she'll then push herslef up to a sitting position.

Though she can't walk, she has mastered the art of the roll.
It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. I'll attempt a video later. So she's mobile, in her own way.
I'm just so stoked she was eating normal chicken food without my help! It really gets me hopeful that she will make a full recovery.
Thank you everyone for your support! It really means a lot to me.
What good news!! I have to tell you, I have not been able to access my e-mail (out of town) but thought about your little Silkie often and wondered how she was doing. You've done a great job of being her nurse!

By the way, my chicks love plain yougurt, so if you do give her antibiotics (or any chickens later) and they get runs, you can feed it to them. It helps. Or just give it to them anyway if you like. Mine love it.

Anyway, I'm so happy for the little hen and you! You were so diligent, that even if the outcome were bad, you would have deserved a pat on the back for your efforts. I'm just glad the pat on the back comes with such great news. Hooray!!!!

Never thought I'd get so excited about a hen I never met! LOL.
Ok, I have a question. Today is pompy's first day of going back outside for the first time.
She can walk, she's just very wobbly.

She got overeager and threw herself down the ramp and into the chicken run to join her old pals.
Unfortunately, the chickens weren't as happy to see her. My rooster started pulling tufts of her hair out and tried to mount her, but she can't squat currently, so he just got mad and pecked at her.
My head hen would not leave the bald spot on the top of her head alone, she kept on pecking at it.

Pompy tried to run away, but she just learned how to walk so running is not her specialty at the moment.

So I freaked out at their rejection towards her, and locked her back inside the coop, so now she can't get out and they can't get in, but this can't last forever.

How do I re-introduce her to my flock? The other chickens, particulary the rooster and head hen were being way too aggressive towards her for her own good, so what do I do?
How long can you leave her in the locked coop? Is there a way you can put a few calmer hens in with her for awhile? Is there a way you can separate the other chickens from her when you let her out? For instance, can you let them free range, while she stays in a chicken yard until she gets stronger?
Oh, one more thing. I think she is prone to reinjury until she is much stronger. She needs to be able to exercise at her own pace while she is recouperating. This could take weeks, if not months.

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