Help needed, Baby Owl Found.

Oh my how is the baby? I hope you find someone to help you. Good job helping. At least you are not trying to keep it and raise it yourself.
Hopefully you were able to get ahold of someone. What a nice person you are to help the poor baby.
good to know aleric, im in ct and have tried ct, ny, nj and pa and noones willign to take on "a woman" (usually said as though they just tasted something realy bitter)

im hoping once i move to tn i can find someone who will take me on so i can get my USA lisencing, i would love to fly kestrels and owls again one day.
the south does seem friendlier, mabe it goes for falconry too.
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Go to or contact the Audubon Society in greenwhich They do a Hawk Watch every September when they migrate and have falconers there and the main one is a WOMAN
they might be able to direct you. (oh and she works with owls too
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Wow. You're in the wrong state. I know a lot of female falconers in TX.

I live in New Jersey and I know several female falconers. Unfortunately, the problem you may be running into is a lot of master falconers would rather take on someone they know or who has been referenced by a friend. As with other things, it seems to be about the connections you have. When I was interested, I was told the best way to get into the sport is to attend falconry events and network, network, network. After you make a few friends that way, it is easier to find someone to take you on as an apprentice. I decided to wait because I would not be able to provide the necessary facilities to raise and keep a raptor.

As for raptor rehabilitation, it's difficult to get into that because everyone and their mother wants to be a rehabilitator. Again, your best best to get involved in that is to volunteer at a raptor facility and get your name on a list. The waiting time for training on the lists at the nearest raptor rehab facilities here in NW NJ is a couple to several years.

I hope the little owl is doing well! It is very cute. Owls are definitely my favorite animal.
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oh i was raptor certified for ct for about 2 yrs after moving here, but restrictons by the town about what we can build on our land meant it just wasnt practical to do any raptor rehab so i got my vector training and now specilize in vector babies (bats and foxes mostly, but ive done a few racoon, coyote and skunk (skunk babies are adorable))
raptor rehab has alot more rules and regs in terms of release pen requiremnts and even where you cna release than alot of the other types of rehabbing and is alot more expensive to get into...

i personally stick to babies and work with other centers who dont have the time for the handfeeding, i take care of the younguns untill there old enough to be weaned, then they go to a couple of local centers who then "finnish" them. so its the best of both worlds
, still rules, but theres not as much involved when it comes to infants.

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