Help: Peachick with swollen face! ?

I did a lot of reading since finding her and did come across the thread and instance that is being referenced. Big reason why I didn't feel comfortable providing that type of injection and not certain if it truly is an injury or respiratory type issue. I will certainly keep everyone up to speed on the outcome. I really don't know what to think. She's the same one I had treated for a injury to her beak a few weeks back. She seemed all healed up and fine. I just wish I knew for sure when it actually started. I'll be home shortly, clean her eye again and look her over.
After getting home I can see more of her eye..after cleaning the massive eye burger that had crusted over the entire eye! It's definitely draining more but she also seems to have noticeable drainage coming from her nostril on that side. My teenage son informed me he saw her like this on Saturday but didn't say anything thinking I already knew! (Shaking my head!) So now I know it didn't happen overnight.
Drainage from the nostril and eye is most likely a sinus infection. Are you still going to take her to the vet? The vet will be able to give you safe, oral antibiotics. While you have her there, have them check her poop for coccidia and worm eggs.

Drainage from the nostril and eye is most likely a sinus infection. Are you still going to take her to the vet? The vet will be able to give you safe, oral antibiotics. While you have her there, have them check her poop for coccidia and worm eggs.


Yes, I plan to have her there around opening hour @ 8am. I would have to agree with you on the sinus infection and yes I will be asking for the fecal float. Take opportunities when you can I say!

Thanks @castportpony!
Yes, I plan to have her there around opening hour @ 8am. I would have to agree with you on the sinus infection and yes I will be asking for the fecal float. Take opportunities when you can I say!

Thanks @castportpony!

Don't count on her pooping at the vets office, she probably will or have some in the carrier, but I would make sure to take a fresh sample from the cage you keep her in just to be sure you have a good test sample. Have the vet show you the inside of the throat so you will know what to look for in the future, and take note when she gives an injection so you will have a good idea how to do it yourself. Don't be shy asking questions, it's your dime they are earning. The fecal float is a really good idea! Let's hope they don't find anything.
Don't count on her pooping at the vets office, she probably will or have some in the carrier, but I would make sure to take a fresh sample from the cage you keep her in just to be sure you have a good test sample.  Have the vet show you the inside of the throat so you will know what to look for in the future, and take note when she gives an injection so you will have a good idea how to do it yourself.  Don't be shy asking questions, it's your dime they are earning.  The fecal float is a really good idea!  Let's hope they don't find anything.

I'm not a shy one nor am I squeamish just have a genetic disorder that causes me to shake too much to trust myself to do lancing or injections. We vaccinate our chicks but my DH is funny. .he won't let me give the subcu shots in fear I'll stab him. So I pinch the skin and do my best to hold still barely well enough for him to perform the vaccinations. I'm only 38, can't imagine what I'll be like in 20 years. My dear dad is in his early 50's and can't even eat soups anymore.

Ok..back to the subject. .sorry. Good point about taking a sample before leaving. Thanks!
Well I couldn't be with them as being a"drop off" appointment they take her in the back part of the hospital and I'm not allowed there. So I went on to work. The vet called me about 11am asked some questions and proceeded to throw a few ideas around. Noothers with any of these symptoms. ..but 1 being from injury or 2 infection of some sort. She suggested MG testing for $75 for the fact I have other birds. .and surgery for sedation/lansing and cleaned with antibiotics. . $300 total "ballpark"

Sigh...yes xmas is only weeks away. .sure. . I've decided to pass on testing at the moment. I'll have to save back some after the holiday. From what I've read if one has it they likely all do and she wouldn't be cured of it if she does. ..So....
I am leaving shortly to get her. I'm anxious to see her. Funny how nervous I've been about how she's being treated! Don't get me wrong it was very cute and clean little place. . Nice people. However the vet did offend me a bit when I requested we hold on testing due to financial reasons. .she stated that I just needed to decide my priorities. .hmmm..well. .I care..I can afford some treatment but I also need to make sure my family eats this week. Made me feel bad.
I am leaving shortly to get her. I'm anxious to see her. Funny how nervous I've been about how she's being treated! Don't get me wrong it was very cute and clean little place. . Nice people. However the vet did offend me a bit when I requested we hold on testing due to financial reasons. .she stated that I just needed to decide my priorities. .hmmm..well. .I care..I can afford some treatment but I also need to make sure my family eats this week. Made me feel bad.
It's too bad your vet gave you a hard time
but don't let her get you down, you are doing the best you can.

Hope you get a good report and that your baby is doing well! Keep us posted!!

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