Hen has sour crop and has aspirated.. Anything I can do?


Apr 8, 2020
I have a Rhode Island Red hen that literally showed up on my doorstep 3 years ago. She was already full grown and laying. Seemed very healthy. She has never had any issues with health until recently. This past January (3 months ago), she became very lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink, separated herself from our 3 other hens, and laid down all the time. She was emaciated. I quarantined her inside, gave her a bath to clean her butt, kept her warm, and realized she had sour crop very bad. At the suggestion of a chicken group on facebook, I gave her plain greek yogurt, scrambled eggs, and vagisil cream twice a day as well as probiotic electrolyte water. Over 2 weeks, she started to eat more, and get back to normal.. more normal poops, drinking better, and eventually her crop started to empty. I let her back out with the flock. About a month later, same thing. I determined it was the feed we were giving them.. thinking it was causing her sour crop. All our chickens became 100% free range at that point. She's been fine, up until the last 2 days. I noticed her being a little lethargic, not too interested in foraging, and I didn't notice if she was drinking or not but had access to clean fresh water. It's warmed up quite a bit recently here (TN) and I thought she was just feeling the heat. Today, she has been very uninterested in food, only drank a little, and is separating herself. Her crop wasn't full, but felt slightly squishy. A while later, I noticed her laying on our porch so I tried to give her probiotic/electrolyte water in a bowl, and some oats which she normally likes. She stood up and when she bent over to check out the oats, she had sour crop liquid come out of of her mouth. She immediately started rattling when she breathes and is coughing every few minutes. She doesn't seem to be in distress, but is laying on the porch like she's hiding and has been pooping very liquid poops like she hasn't eaten for about an hour now. I'm assuming she aspirated sour crop liquid when she bent over. Is there anything I can do for her? Is it possible for a chicken to cough the liquid out? I will try to upload a video if I can. She's our favorite chicken.
OP hasn't been on BYC in over 2 years, so will most likely not respond.
Is there anything you need help with?
Yeah, I knew the chances of a response was slim, but it just pained me to see this question went unnoticed. They reached out for help in saving their favorite chicken and got nothing :(

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