Hen sex change..

My money is on a silkie or legbar mix, possibly with white rock, wyandotte or Rhode Island white.

For comparison, here are two of my silkie wyandotte mixes. These two had feathered feet, but their siblings did not.

yes, Araucanas here have crests. They aren't very common. Legbars are more so.

Great that you've got info from the breeder. That's helpful!
You thinking it was a leghorn has thrown your perspective, because you were waiting for a giant floppy red comb. That's not going to happen because he doesn't have that comb type.

I think he is something mixed with a silkie. That little crest and the comb and the shape. He is a very handsome boy.
Not a silkie, or he'd have dark skin, and feathered legs.

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