Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Congrats to all the new babies, bayyjayy i'm kicking myself that I wasn't on when all this was happening!!! Forgive me?

Congrats to babies!!! Hows freds babies paulla??? Anyone got anything hatching?
she's got 3 doing great! ty... btw I was worried about joining all the geese in one flock... well they took care of it them selfs today, I heard a racket and when I got outside 1/2 the divider fence was down
and Elvis and Squishy were fussing because there was "a fence" keeping them from Baby,Dora and Halloween
we have had a few "who's the boss" sqables but nothing to worry about
Hiya DG!!
Great to see you! How are your buff babies doing?

Sue, congrats on the successful flock integration!!

AAA, thanks!!
New pictures, going through a few that need watermarked so thought I would share.

Just a few of the white Sebastopols, cant wait for them to be full feather again and not ratty post breeding feather.

These are a couple of the Buff Dewlaps when they were younger

I need to go lay in the front again tomorrow and take pictures while they all mill about. Might send the ducks to the front as well and get pictures of them at the same time. of course this is dependent on hubby feeling ok. Having more rough days than good days lately.
I need to go lay in the front again tomorrow and take pictures while they all mill about. Might send the ducks to the front as well and get pictures of them at the same time. of course this is dependent on hubby feeling ok. Having more rough days than good days lately.
not really anything to say to help
thoughts and prayers
Celtic, I look forward to seeing new pics when you get a chance. Very sorry to hear about your hubby. Warm wishes to your family.

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