Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Anyone subscribed to the poultry press? I just ordered the sample to try out.. Is the poultry press like a real newspaper with pages of reading? What's the sample like, a older newspaper?
Of course, I've never heard of it because there's no reason I should have at this point.
Please, when you get your sample, would you let me know what it's all about?


Quote: A nice way to pay it forward.

I found another (nearly) homeless man on Wednesday-- owes so much back taxes that he is waiting for the town to take some of his property.Wishes he had put his land in 51 something or other. No income, no electricity except for the solar collector that he bought second hand and hooked up a few car batteries. A very interesting conversation about computers and software--

LIfe is getting too complicated for all of us to keep up . .
A nice way to pay it forward.

I found another (nearly) homeless man on Wednesday-- owes so much back taxes that he is waiting for the town to take some of his property.Wishes he had put his land in 51 something or other. No income, no electricity except for the solar collector that he bought second hand and hooked up a few car batteries. A very interesting conversation about computers and software--

LIfe is getting too complicated for all of us to keep up . .
I like to help people who are trying. I do have a history of 'pruning' off folks who seem to make my life complicated...I just don't have to deal with folks like that...they give me a headache.
Of course, I've never heard of it because there's no reason I should have at this point.
Please, when you get your sample, would you let me know what it's all about?



If you like the birds, and have any interest at all in breeding to the Standard, showing, etc. it is worth the little bit that it costs. There is always a decent article in it, and gives you a feel for who is doing what. I like it.
I let my subscription run out, and a friend sent me a box and caught me up.
A nice way to pay it forward.

I found another (nearly) homeless man on Wednesday-- owes so much back taxes that he is waiting for the town to take some of his property.Wishes he had put his land in 51 something or other. No income, no electricity except for the solar collector that he bought second hand and hooked up a few car batteries. A very interesting conversation about computers and software--

LIfe is getting too complicated for all of us to keep up . .
It is. Always has for some, but more so now.
If you like the birds, and have any interest at all in breeding to the Standard, showing, etc. it is worth the little bit that it costs. There is always a decent article in it, and gives you a feel for who is doing what. I like it.
I let my subscription run out, and a friend sent me a box and caught me up.
Anyone subscribed to the poultry press? I just ordered the sample to try out.. Is the poultry press like a real newspaper with pages of reading? What's the sample like, a older newspaper?
I've subscribed to the Poultry Press for 35 + years. It lists all the shows, has the show results, ads from breeders, and good articles. It's THE publication for serious breeders.
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