Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

and had to clean my screen I laughed so hard.

I had one Maran cock bird put bullet holes in my leg that made a very tasty chick and noodle stew.
The one Barred Rock that knocked my three year old grandson down made great chicken sandwiches.
Any cock bird that tries the one legged chicken dance for me gets one chance after my boot.

Glad to hear Jason and Hellbender found a good home for the rooster and those hens.
Quote: Went back to re-read some posts . . . .

While I love seeing cattle out in a field . . I will never have cattle. I remember the perfect aiim an angus cow had: got me in the thigh, same place everytime. My first dealings with beefers-- and my last.. OTher than eating , of course. lol
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George, I have known too many people and/or read about too many people who had several doctors who didn't communicate with each other and came quite close to killing their patients because of all the different drugs being pumped into them that conflicted with the other drugs being pumped into them.

I just ask that you make da***** sure your doctors are communicating.

Lacy, I put a team together of late that I feel pretty good about. Communication is a little short, but not like it was. I fired all of the originals, LOL.

I have learned that the best person to run this show is me. No one is going to push like myself. I have gotten a lot done in a year.

I have done about all that I can do, and they have to. I am going to Mayo in May, and will probably not learn more than I have. I will at least be able to walk away and feel that I have done what I can. There are a few more potential causes to check out.

I will not get on too may meds and be doped up on top of it all. I am only on one, and will soon try another. I will try to make improvements, but there is no magical fixes. Small victories is all you are really after. A lot of things make your vitals look better, but you do not feel any better.

What it is, is auto immune autonomic neuropathy. Possible sensory and sudomotor neuropathy. Why, is still the question. At some point, I may just have to settle with my new reality. I am not above having to deal with something like this. A lot of people have challenges and at all ages.

I met a woman online that had what I have. Then she found out that she had cancer. Stage 4 cervical cancer that spread into her lungs etc. She was in so much pain already, it got overlooked. Then I found out she was deaf. Then I found out she was only 24. All of the while she was encouraging me. I will never feel sorry for myself again. Or forget her. She was upbeat and optimistic until the end.

All of the online nutrition information in the world will not touch some things. There are a few herbal supplements that can make some things a bit more tolerable in the mean time.

For all that we know, there is so much that we do not know. A lot of what is true today, will not be tomorrow.
I let most of my birds outto forage everyday-- they get a variety there especially during the most productive 3 seasons.

I am moving toward more and more foraging as I do think there is enough information to indicate the improved health value for humans in microchemicals of fruts and veges that as I eat my birds, I want the best nutritive value to fight off diseases.

George, you are the greatest authority on yourself. Please dont ever forget that. You actually know more about yourself than any of the doctors.

As far as doctors and research: People want to beleive that medicine is a world of gods . . . . and some MD/researchers like to be treated as gods and are remarkably arrogant,but in truth studies are mostly a way of finding a "maybe" and the it needs long term investigation and the result is usually the findings are but another builidng block but not the answer.

I live with a long family history of a particular cancer. For me it is not 'if" it is "when". My grandmother and all her sisters, but one, died in their 60"s. Ironically the one that did not have the genes for it(I"m guessing as she live well into her 80's healthy) did not have children. ( Or did child bearing turn on the genes??) I am appalled at the amount of money solicited to find "cures" for cancer and so very little talk about prevention. Prevention is not the money maker treatment is. Generally we seem to like to find the cause of something before trying to persue the cure. I'm sorry that the "c" word sucks up so much research money when it need not be so, and those funds could be put toward the truly tricky conditions that are very complex and truely need many angles of attack to find prevention and treatments.

Ironically it was the introduction of chickens to our farm that introduced me to people that feed in "odd" ways and I realized these methods could also be applied to the human diet. FOr me I am trying to prevent my gene from turning on thru a good diet or at least provide the support my body needs when a rogue cell starts growing. Chickens started out as a fun source of eggs, but has brought me to illness and disease prevention thru eating high quality foods.

It is easy to add green leafy veg and other veg to the diets of our birds, and to our own diet, too. I realize some here don't eat their birds. . . but for those that do . . .What they eat, we eat.

Goerge, I"m sorry an effective treatment is not availble right now, but perhaps you can eat the foods that best support a healthy body---it is a challenge to change what we eat. I ate my aspargus and fresh eggs with cheese for breakfast . . . certainly not the foods I grew up with.
More people get and suffer cancer, so I am happy that they put into it what they do. Unfortunately it is where the money is at.

I consider myself fortunate. I have enjoyed 40 years of excellent health. I also have very supportive wife, and some respectful young men at home. Some people do not have that.

And I enjoy my birds.

I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.

What it is, is auto immune autonomic neuropathy. Possible sensory and sudomotor neuropathy. Why, is still the question. At some point, I may just have to settle with my new reality. I am not above having to deal with something like this. A lot of people have challenges and at all ages.

I met a woman online that had what I have. Then she found out that she had cancer. Stage 4 cervical cancer that spread into her lungs etc. She was in so much pain already, it got overlooked. Then I found out she was deaf. Then I found out she was only 24. All of the while she was encouraging me. I will never feel sorry for myself again. Or forget her. She was upbeat and optimistic until the end.

All of the online nutrition information in the world will not touch some things. There are a few herbal supplements that can make some things a bit more tolerable in the mean time.

For all that we know, there is so much that we do not know. A lot of what is true today, will not be tomorrow.

I am so sorry, and you are in my prayers. I think you have a great approach, and I think your attitude toward your prognosis and care is healthy. Just don't be too quick to accept that there is nothing further to be done. "A lot of what is true today, will not be tomorrow" works in your favor as much as it works against you!
Walt, I mean no disrespect but your adventure is so much funnier than mine!
When he finally got to the point that he could knock me down, his fate was sealed. I'm not afraid of him and Jason certainly is not afraid of him but we have a woman who comes and cleans house at least 2, perhaps 3 times a week and while she's not really afraid, she does not need to be dodging a seriously hostile rooster.

I had a little discussion with my son over lunch and I was preparing to ring that cock's fat red neck but Jason has a buddy who is hitting on pretty hard times. He lives alone and has grown up on his dad's farm...and he's very accustomed to rogues likes this boy. So, Jason called him and he accepted gladly and asked if Jason would sell him a few layers...So this evening, The boy will come over here and get the cock and Jason's going to give him 10 two year old hens. He has no wife or kids and lives up a 'holler' so ...today will have been the last time that rascal will have gotten the best of this ol' bird!!!


Great solution. Win win for both of you.
Quote: lol-- I don't work that way because studies don't work that way- studies are desiigned to prove something, not to disprove it, so to ask you to prove ACV did NOT work was not reasonable.

(edited for brevity)

Actually, the scientific method cannot prove something true. It can only prove a hypothesis is false. A study can support a given hypothesis by giving results consistent with the hypothesis, but that is not "proof" the hypothesis is "true." So asking for proof that something doesn't work is definitely reasonable
Great solution. Win win for both of you.
No at all what I expected. I thought he would stew the bird and be done with it.. I was very surprised Jason made the offer. I expected it to be simply get rid of the nasty cock and

He will now perhaps have nice eggs and young birds to eat.

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