Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Mother Nature should always be listened to. My Buff Orps are laying up a storm too, but I'm having no fertility, despite lights and trimming, with Cockerels and cock birds. I think they are telling us that February will be a bear.I've never had this before, but we've never had weather like this in 20 years here.Tell me in June, if the birds weren't right.
Feb. is supposed to be very cold, the worst month of the winter.
Mother Nature should always be listened to. My Buff Orps are laying up a storm too, but I'm having no fertility, despite lights and trimming, with Cockerels and cock birds. I think they are telling us that February will be a bear. I've never had this before, but we've never had weather like this in 20 years here. Tell me in June, if the birds weren't right. That's pretty much what the breeder said. I'm hoping February will bear better results. I'm quitting incubating for the moment and just eating the eggs until I start seeing fertile eggs from the boy who is doing nothing.

A Redder color increased a Pullets development. A white to daylight helped with growth rates. http://www.thepoultrysite.com/articles/2820/new-studies-examine-effects-of-lighting-on-chickens

Broilers should be under a white light and so should Cockerels and Cock Birds. A Redder color would make the pullets\hens lay sooner and more.

LEDs were better than Compact Florescent. Incandescent is good but not energy efficient.

It is easier to get different colors from LEDs

http://poultryscience.uark.edu/FSA8005_(final).pdf Page 2 has the color in Kelvin for LED lights. Pick a light more in the white to Orange level for both Cock birds and Hens for fertility and egg laying.

That is if you want to give them light. That is a whole other topic.
If those brahmas are @ 10 months it could be age.

A layer ration is not ideal for breeding birds. It is designed for layers in production.

Birds in the winter especially benefit from fresh greens and sunshine. Supplement with Calf Manna (you can get a small bag), give them some greens every day. Then be patient for a bit.
I know calf Manna is good for show birds for the extra protein to help feathers and makes them shinier looking but what's the plus to giving it to breeders?
Make sure they are trimmed up good, free from mites, etc.

Didn't you have soft eggs and mites not long ago?
Yes, I think last Friday I did the second dusting. I also used the air compressor to blow that crap all around the coop to get in every nook and cranny. The eggs have nice thick shells now so that's a plus.
Do what you can do in your control, and if that is not good enough, then they are not good enough.

For some removing the males and then putting them back helps.

Can be, can be age too. I mean you said they're only 10 months right?
Yes, right around there. Maybe a smidge older.
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Mother Nature should always be listened to. My Buff Orps are laying up a storm too, but I'm having no fertility, despite lights and trimming, with Cockerels and cock birds. I think they are telling us that February will be a bear.I've never had this before, but we've never had weather like this in 20 years here.Tell me in June, if the birds weren't right.
Feb. is supposed to be very cold, the worst month of the winter.

Ummmm, "all" my eggs are fertile (bullseyes on the yolks, pretty much every single egg). Maybe we're going to have a mild February????
Well, my most intelligent chicken (Snoodle) isn't even laying, so maybe she's the smart one for not letting Eddie get a hold of her.
Oh, no, maybe we'll have a really bad Feb too???

Eat your greens and dump the breads, lol We eat more home raised meats and certainly the eggs are better quality than the commercial eggs and we seem to be less prone to common illnesses like colds-- could be the salads for breakfast, too.
As far as I'm concerned, eating right is everything! Sure, I buy the occasional pizza but leave sodas and sweets alone. I drink raw goat milk, and buttermilk, eat goat cheese of all types as well as yogurt. I do drink very moderately but usually home brewed beer or wine.

And..I eat lots of eggs and chicken.
A good roasted capon is hard to beat.

If it weren't for arthritis in damaged bones and joints...I'd feel like 35 instead of 65! lol
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Eat your greens and dump the breads, lol We eat more home raised meats and certainly the eggs are better quality than the commercial eggs and we seem to be less prone to common illnesses like colds-- could be the salads for breakfast, too.
I don't eat garbage and I rarely get sick also, but if you don't dress well you might get sick. I did some bodybuilding couple years back and trained at Gold's Gym in New Haven now called Powerhouse Gym, 2nd most famous gym. The most famous was Gold's Gym was Venice Beach, Cali where Arnold trained. Don't have to time anymore to hit the gym but still eat very high protein, good carbs, and some fat. Still manage to keep my look without gym.
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You are what you eat, right? Arielle, I have done the EPTM tests for the mares in Deurne when I went through college. Vdl brought 40 young horses one year and I helped start most of them. Hope you are able to get many more foals from your Nimmerdor mare, have you considered Numero Uno as a stud for her? Also Lupicor is a good producer, he died too young, but there is lots of frozen from him and is very fertile. No misses from the breeders I talk to.
Dear Brahma breeder,
Calf manna is high in protein AND several vitamins and minerals. It is pricey, but you only feed 2Tbsp/day/bird. Also, Red Cell is high in iron, wheat germ oil is high in E, and cod liver oil is high in A&D. The Rooster Booster brand offers several different supplements, and Manna Pro also makes a " flock fuel" which is high in essential fatty acids. Whatever the cause, I hope your chickens' fertility soon returns.
Best wishes,
Hellbender and Vam-- Definitely if you get chilled that could be enough stress to prevent your body's ability to fight off viruses like a cold. ANd recently I am learning there is a difference between commerically produced and home grown/made. As for arthritis I keep mine at bay with a lower carb diet. Wrist kicked and smashed by 6 m colt. I am grateful for my BYC friends that have taught me chicken keeping and a better food source. ANd that is why I have been searching for a heritage meat type-- I'm on a the list for birds, so for now I wait.

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