He's Out! Mubarak is OUT!

Until we get a PETA vegan in the White House.

their next step is to destroy Israel.

Truly sad.

"Caliphat": folks who live in some neighborhoods of Oakland that think they are all that....
Just like the president doesn't have the power to instantaneously fix the economy and give everyone who is out of work a job (some people seem to think otherwise, which defies all logic and facts), the president isn't able to force his/her agenda for being a vegan or anything else on the people of the country.
Czars are no different than a dictator's right hand men. They are actually more dangerous than the president, because there is no checks and balance system, to control them...Basically, they are above the law.
This is why we must always remember two things: democracy doe NOT bring freedom. It brings mob rule. Democracy is like a gun; it can be used for good, it can be used for evil; it all depends on who has control of the trigger.

What the US has is a constitutional representative republic. Democracy will not solve Egypt's problems unless they manage to create a free and unbiased judiciary and a land of people who believe in that law they uphold. In even America's democratic republic, the power lies almost entirely in the people's willingness to obey the rules.

Eritrea has a wonderful constitution, beautifully written and created in a great process which got lots of buy in from the public. BUT, the people fell under the spell of the revolutionary leader who has ruled by decree since the early 90's. They have a constitution, but no one pays it any mind......

People on here keep talking about the erosion of our rights, and they continue to bemoan one party or the other as the genesis of this erosion. And the people that are doing the eroding continue to foster in the populace the illusion that we have two parties and that fighting amongst ourselves over them will keep the erosion from becoming critical. Our politicians no longer really represent the masses and the masses continue to become more and more ignorant.

Pass me the Cheetos and the remote, I'll keep being a bystander cheering on Egypt and hoping for the best for them, pretending that everything is alright here in the greatest country in the world where we have democracy........
Not everyone believes America is the victim of some conspiracy.

I am sure there are problems, but I am not on the 'kill the vegan imperialists' quite yet.
I would disagree with that...They are focused, thanks to new technology. They want the freedom to be who they want to be. I'm sure there are many of them who get really tired of pulling out the prayer rug, five times a day, and praying to Mecca, and listening to the same boring cry, from the minaret, along with all the other heavy handed regulations, tied to the predominant religion.

The only way that societies, like that, can continue, is under the heavy hand of tyranny and brainwashing.....Look at North Korea/South Korea. I can guarantee you, there's no internet, cellphones, Ipads etc. on the street, in NK. If it were possible to inject that technology, instantly, into that society, within a year, that tyrannical government would be destroyed, from within.

The irony of it all, is that our government, now wants control of internet content.....Hmmmmmmm....Pretty scary, for someone who, supposedly, believes in freedom.

It should have been carried out in a more responsible way. The way they did it left many opportunities for failure and bad reprucussions. Im sure the common egyptian people will feel these reprucussions for quite awhile. Think about the mothers with children who couldn't get food because of the complete anarchy in the streets. What about the people who got shot by looters and thugs? ...real democracy takes time and lots of work. Its not just a switch you can flip. I hope they are willing to follow through now and take it all the way. We will see how that works out in the following months. They were VERY lucky to have a good military to back them up after Mubarak stepped down....Other countries are doing the same thing now and many do NOT have a nice military to back them up and keep everything peaceful and stop dictators and terrorists from stepping in.

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