Hey BYC friends I need a favor...help spread awareness of COPD

me too. I voted
I take advair and it helps greatly. I had a coupon for my last refill and was looking for another one and went to the website.

Just got off the phone with glaxosmithkline...
You need to be at $3,814 gross monthly income or less
go to
Get an application for immediate access to medication
Fill out form, take it to your *advocate* Dr. or pharmacist with proof of income and ask them to enroll you in the program
866-728-4368. I was told it will only take 5 minutes of their time
My Husband has it from being exposed to chemicals in the Military. The doctors have maxed out on all the medications to try for him and it's not helping anymore..... It is a very hard thing to deal with and to help someone prevent getting it would be wonderful...

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