Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

My friend of 46 years took me to the beach yesterday for a late birthday dinner. We started with an oyster shooter and some tuna poke. Followed by a green salad that we shared. For my main course I had grilled smoky halibut served over a bed of udon noodles, chard, edamame, and onion in a gingery soy mirin sauce. The weather was fabulous - clear and blue and not windy - and we had a view of the bay and the ocean beyond and all the lovely sailboats and fishing boats. We were entertained by a 'herd' of sea lions.
Belated happy birthday.

Tonight I am making poached/marinated chicken breast to be served with fried yellow summer squash and baked sweet potatoes.

Yes, Rachel, there will be gravy for the chicken.
Thank you all for your birthday wishes. My birthday was in December, so dinner was very belated. My friend's birthday is in May and we'll probably go out to dinner to celebrate her birthday in October. It's become a tradition that we don't do it close to our actual birthdays.

Last night hubs and I went out to an early dinner since there is no food in our house. He had brisket poutine and I had quinoa cakes with mushroom gravy and roasted kalettes. I was gobsmacked that he ordered that ,,, he only finished half and couldn't wait to get home to have an orange for dessert to get the taste out of his mouth. I loved what I had.
I have to look up half the stuff you eat.....never heard of most of it!! Guess that's what happens when you grow up on fried baloney sandwiches and SOS.

LOL. I grew up on that, too. I've just always been really interested in food. Cooking it, shopping for it, reading about it, eating it. I don't know if you've ever watched Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. He travels all over the world eating really interesting and sometimes really really strange things. I think he has the best job in the world ... I would love to do that.
Belated happy birthday.

Tonight I am making poached/marinated chicken breast to be served with fried yellow summer squash and baked sweet potatoes.

Yes, Rachel, there will be gravy for the chicken.
*pops head around the corner* did someone call me?

I didn't start posting here again when I got home cause I kind of feel like we have the same basic things all the time. I go through times when I feel I need to get more creative, but the fam is good with what I fix so it's good I guess. Plus, going back to work is cutting down on the prep and cooking time. Like tonight, I worked and the Locusts had youth group, so I needed something fast. Mexican Bar it was...I think we have that a few times a month, but it's quick and easy and filling and everyone seems to like it.
Yesterday I went to a friend's house for a girls' lunch. She made the most delicious cashew chicken over brown rice that I had seconds. Served with a salad and assorted snacky items before. Brownies and dulce de leche ice cream for dessert.

I was still so full last night that I had no interest in cooking dinner. Hubs got a pizza.

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