Hey there! new to the site, any Urban backyard farmers too?

Welcome to BYC! Thanks for joining our flock! Hands down, the best layers I've ever had are my California Whites! They are a leghorn mix, and don't take breaks, they are hard working girls! Really pretty to look at also!
Welcome :welcome My chickens are truly backyard chickens :) I thought I’d start with 4 because I couldn’t find info on #of chickens allowed in our ordinance. Bigger city ‘next door’ allows 4..... Well, turns out we don’t have a limit but the expectation is not to get to the point where neighbors complain.
Check out the learning center, look at coop ideas, chicken breeds and get started with a setup that fits your space, climate and personal preferences
Hi! :frow Welcome to BYC! My chickens are all good layers, Buff Orpingtons, Australorps and Rhode Island Reds. All my chickens get to live out their lives, but I wouldn't add any other RIRs. The orpingtons are such docile sweethearts. RIRs can be a little aggressive, although the two I currently have aren't. BO's are by far my favorites, and I have 3 very Young Lavender Orpingtons who seem very sweet and are quite beautiful.
I am an avid gardener that lives in a downtown area, in a suburb south of Dayton, Ohio. Recently found out that homeowners can have up to four chickens on their property. So this girl is going to research research research on the best egg layers, when and how to buy them, and all things chickens! I would love to hear from any other people living in a downtown community that owns chickens and also gardens. My lot is a double lot, about less than half an acre.

Welcome to BYC. Much like you, I live in an area with a small yard. I have 4 hens although I did go through a period of time with an accidental rooster, he is no longer with us. All of my neighbors but one loved him. I did not like him much either frankly.

I have started journaling our time with the hens on my thread listed below. Please feel free to check it out.

My hens are pets, as evidenced by Lilly's trip to have her picture taken with Santa last weekend. If your planning on pet hens you will not be disappointed as long as you spend time with them.


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