
7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
on the computer
hey peeps! i am reli in need of some advice for egg layin problem!
i have five, 2 1\2 yr. old hens that only give me one egg a day. and for how much food we give them(i have 7 pullets who are not layin yet.:( ) ,it reli sucks!! i need two 50 lbs bags a month b cuzz my sister has 6 ducks too. i will try the birdseed and vinegar but idk how much to give them so any advice to a website or strait out knowledge would b great! i need eggs! it is expensive to buy eggs to cook and fry for b'fast for a family with 9 kids,2 parents,a sisinlaw and a nephew! i need help!!!!!
For the water I use one tablespoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar per gallon of water. When you are done adding the vinegar dip your hand in it and smell the water. It should have a slight but distinct smell of the vinegar. Not only does the vinegar help with absorption of calcium I have seen them drink MUCH more water when the vinegar is in it. There is rumors of other benefiets of it but I cannot verify them. Keep food in front of them all the time. I was having trouble like yours but with 18 hens! I kept food in front of them all day and they are pouring out the eggs now. Another thing to consider is that they are getting somewhat old. And may be slowing down on eggs.
what are you feeding them. all i seen was two 50 pound bags a month. i have 12 chickens right now and i only go through 100 lbs a month and i also supply them with plenty of greens..
They might not be eating all their feed. Chickens usually 'scrape' out some food before they actually eat any. If this is the case don't fill up their feeder all the way. Just fill it up like a couple inches, and let them eat that, and if they do, then just keep filling it up continuously throughout the day. Mine did that, and it worked. This might not help with the eggs, but you might not use as much feed. Hope that helps. :)
When that happens just try giving them some oyster shell, you may have it in a seperate bowl but what you really need to do it mix it in with the feed so they get it all while they're eating, they should pick up laying a few days after and go back to normal!
You didn't say what breed of chickens they are. If they are a commercial laying breed, they aren't bred to lay for a long time as commercial egg facilities get rid of them early and get a new batch in. Heirloom breeds tend to lay less at the beginning, but more in the long run.


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