Hi we're the V's we have Happy Quack Farms

Oh that is great! I needed that!
Did you need clean pants after discovering that thing!?
No, but I'm never quite sure if I say things outloud or just in my head when things like that happen.
Doesn't matter really, all my animals & neighbors already know I'm a wee bit crazy.
You are not crazy and neither am I, lots of people talk out loud when making decisions, etc.
:hugsI totally appreciate the sentiment but when someone whose profile reads "Still crazy after all these years" tells me that I'm not crazy & neither is she I'm not sure exactly how much credibility that statement holds.
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Your my idol, re: snake killer.
"Still Crazy after all these years." is my favorite song by Ray Charles, I just love the way he sang it.

But, I do love crazy people and those that aren't - I'm just a people person.

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