Holy cow! My coop is hosed! Snowstorm related....

Holly shmolly I aint never seen anything like that! We should have a thread for "classic pictures"!!! Those would certainly qualify! I'm glad your chickens are safe!
Oh poor babies! I am glad you got them rescued to the garage! I am heading out to my coop now...hopefully mine will not be nearly as bad as yours! We didnt get the whole 18" they were predicting but everything is covered in a layer of ice and then about 8" of snow...good luck! Terri O
The inside of your coop reminds me of my grandmother's old refrigerator that we had to defrost all the time. That's exactly what the freezer compartment looked like!

Good on you for setting up your girls in the garage! We don't get snow here but had a bout of sudden freezing temps a few weeks ago. We moved our girls to the garage for that and we're glad we did--it was worth the risk of everything out there getting covered in chicken poo. Which it did. But that's why God made washrags and Mr. Clean.
Here's the "Emergency Box Coop". Very temporary, do not worry, they will not be in there long.
This piecing together a few boxes has been a great way to house a bird or two for recuperating. I have never had to put this many in there before though.



Just got in from the frozen tundra...thank God my coop didnt look like yours! I had visions though because I had not closed vents. I guess I got lucky. The inside of my top barn was similar however! All my hay is covered with snow! I was only able to afford fixing the structure of the barn this year...maybe siding next year?
Your hens look comfy and warm inside their temporary shelter! Good job! Terri O--who is thankful that we only got 9 of the 16" predicted!
Oh, goodness - somebody on another thread was asking if you could have "too much" ventilation... I guess this is one case!

I hope you guys get through that awful winter okay. Stay warm!

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