I was thinking the same tbh hahah that seems like a LOT for old, untrained horses. And do you think some of the “needs refresher” stuff is code for bad behavior? Also the half blind one and the super skinny one I feel bad for. Like good luck selling those. They’ll likely all end up in the kill pen. Except MAYBE Phillip cause he’s gorgeous. But the rest for sure. And what’s up with the 10 year old one that hasn’t even been started yet!?!?!?! Like DAMN.
um I agree but do you have to curse?
I'm not familiar with QHs but this does seem to be an inflated price. I don't see any info where he may have won some titles or important AQHA type shows...so not sure where the price would get up that high--but I could be missing something.

I will say though, my friend paid more for her QH colt than I paid for my Friesian colt! They can be pricey I guess!
Yeah I thought it was really weird! I didn’t see anything that would make it worth the price either like a good pedigree, titles, anything. But yeah, some of the ones with titles and pedigrees and stuff do go pretty high! Like if they’ve earned a lot. But this guy just seems like a generic horse.
Today an interesting behavior showed up in my new mare, Dakota and my sisters gelding, Tucker. I know that sometimes horses will guard other horses, but today Dakota and Tucker hated each other, every other day they are best buds, today was different. Dakota constantly kept guarding me from Tucker and my sis, and Tucker did the same, guarding my sister from Dakota (but not from me). Every time I would step towards Tucker (or he would step towards me) Dakota would immediately get between me and him and attempt to attack him. My sister even came up and gave me a hug at one point, and koda pinned her ears and charged my sister.

can anyone explain this behavior, and what we could possibly do to fix it?
That's really neat. In all of my horse ownership, I've never been drawn to getting a Mustang, so I've often wondered what makes people choose them!

Speaking of Misty, have you heard/seen the Beebe Ranch is threatened to be purchased for development? People are trying to save it. Quite sad, I hope they can keep it for the history behind it!
That makes sense! They’re definitely not for everyone but for me I’m really drawn to them hahah I like quarter horses and paints too though. And big draft horses 😍❤️

And I hadn’t seen that! That’s so sad! 😭
“Brown” 😂😭


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