Hot weather

The electrolytes I use in my chickens' water is a powder that comes in an envelope that feed stores sell for all live stock. I use a quarter teaspoon for a gallon of water. It's inexpensive and goes a long way.
We just got through some horrible 110 degree temps here in So Cal, and my little 4 week olds were champs! I'd bet shade temperatures were still close to 100, and there was panting, but they stayed active and never seemed too stressed. I put out a frozen water bottle for them to lay next to and it just weirded them out!
I live near Phoenix, AZ, and our summer has had several days well over 110! I have only 3 chickens, so this cooling method might not be practical for those with lots of chickens. My chickens free range in our quarter-acre fenced yard during the day, and I made a cooling bed for them on the covered patio. I used frozen gel ice packs stuffed into a 13-gallon plastic bag and covered that with a standard pillowcase. They lie on it and it has eliminated their panting.
I also put ice in their waterer, and freeze empty plastic juice containers for them.. I am going to try the other suggestions, too. Thanks to all for the ideas!
I live in NV where it's been in the 90-100's a lot lately and I've found these methods to be best for cooking my 6 chickens off:

They're coop/run is always shade because it has a roof (can't let them free range due to hawk and cat problems)

We have the fan on in the heat of the day

We feed them grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe because they don't seem to drink enough water so this helps hugely

We also placed some sod/grass down and after we water it they love to go sit on the cool grass and eat it

If they are still panting I pick them up and set them in a cold tub of water (it's inly deep enough to get their feet wet) which helps and they drink out of it while standing in it xD

Also they may not like it but I spray their coop to cool it off and it hits them in the process which gets them mad and they swear at me but at least they're cooled off!

These are a few options you have to help keep them cool in the heat, if all else fails, we've been considering bringing them inside for when it's above 100 for a few hours in the heat of the day
I live in a area of California thats 107 degrees right now. What i Do is::::
Wrap their run with tightly woven 98% U.V resistant shade cloth (amazon purchase). I put a large Box fan inside the run and run it on level 2. I put a "personal misting system" (2 misting jets) in front of the fan. It makes like a cooler. I put frozen bottles of water in their large 5 gallon waterer to keep water cool. I will add vitamin electrolyte to the water on extremely hot days. Also alternating with probotic in their water. I blend melon and ice for a cool treat. So far, thank God, this has been working well.they rarely are even panting with this system.
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