How Did YOU Find BYC? Why Did YOU Join It? Tell Your Story HERE!

I joined BYC because I was trying to find out what breed my rooster was and every time I searched it on google it came up with a thread on BYC. So I made an account, asked my question, and then I thought "hey! This is pretty cool!" And I became addicted! :)
I raise mealworms for a living and I noticed more and more people ordering mealworms for chickens! Something I never knew that was fed mealworms. I raised chickens years ago back in FFA wish I would have known about this 12 years ago I would have had many happy chickens!
I love chickens and have good memories of my Aunt Allie's chickens that flew up in the big water oaks at night. Aunt Allie let me get the eggs. I am 67 so that was a day or so ago. Oh how I love chickens. She fried them deliciously too.
Found BYC searching the web.Stalked the site for about a year before making the plunge and getting chickens.We got them for a healthier choice in meat and eggs.
I think I started getting into chickens because of a magazine I have called Maryjane's Farm. I then went online and found this site and became fascinated with the coop designs, and I tried to get a feel for what it takes to get chickens.I even took a class offered about them and decided that it sounded a lot more involved than I first thought. But I still couldn't shake the notion so I lurcked here some more. Didn't join because I had no chickens. One day I was walking the dog and noticed an old dog house at the curb of someone's house and I thought it would be perfect for a coop. So I went up to the door and asked if he was getting rid of it. He said yeah he was selling it for a friend but he didn't care about the price,he just wanted it out of there so he sold it to me for a buck! The rest of this story is a long blog that you can find in coops or the fall coop contest under the title the zen house. When I got 3 hens and a duck in May and finished the coop/run in September, I finally decided to join just a few days ago. I love it all, especially my BLR Wyandotte's and my Indian runner duck.
I got into it because my sister wants me to be her ER coop from MD to VA and I am having to check certain things.
Because of Bulldogmomma and her index thread on the subjects. She referred me here with an article of the "Gnarly Bunch" written by Bee. Much of her blog and index made it easy for me as a beginner to find what I needed here on BYC. So I subscribed to both places.

Actually thought the blog and index were a part of THIS Forum. So I had bookmarked her index of topics and then subscribed to read here.

People from here who are close enough (though still over an hour or more away) kept me here as well as those who verbally and photo help.
My family has a rule that if we have decided you can have a new pet, you have to do tons of research on th e proper care of the animals. I brought up getting chickens two years ago, which my dad vetoed. I did some research anyway, and when my dad finally lost the battle, I asked the hermit crab forum if they knew about chicken forums, and they lead me here.
I have had a love of chickens for more than 5 decades. I found BYC when searching chickens at the iPhone app store and found this site to have mountains and mountains of great info, pics and a very friendly flock of people.
I just had to join.

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